Required Fields in WBLR Extract
Highlighted State Reporting Fields
Official Definitions: Work-Based Learning Types
Navigate to Student Data > Other > Internships Page.
The Work-Based Learning extract (WBLR) is designed to capture different ways students can show workforce readiness. These records may in the future help students meet the career portion of the College/Career Readiness Indicator on the CA Dashboard. These are collected each year for students in Grade 9-12 as part of the CALPADS EOY Submission.
Additional fields have been added to the Internships page to capture additional types of Work-Based Learning Records and capture all the data needed. The table is a card-style, which allows multiple records to be captured for a student. Only active records are displayed by default, click on the checkbox to Include Inactive Internships.
All records with the following criteria will be extracted for the WBLR Extract for CALPADS EOY 4 reporting:
- The Work-Based Learning Type field (ISP.WT) must be populated from the dropdown list
- Records must have either ended or started in the current school year. The school year date range is from 7/1 - 6/30.
Security ↑
Users need at least Insert and Update to the Internships table (ISP) in order to add records. They must also have at least READ to the Employers table (EMP).
Adding a new record ↑
Click on the Add button on the header. This will activate a sub-menu where the data can be entered. The additional fields that were added to the Internships page are highlighted below:
NOTE: Since the Internships page is used to store all Work-Based Learning records, the only record type that requires an Employer is Internships. If the Employer field is left blank, then the record will display with (No Employer) with the value of 0. It is no longer necessary to have a separate employer record in the EMP table labeled as Not-Employer Based, but can be done if the district wants to.
Field Dropdowns ↑
Dropdowns in this area are hard-coded with CALPADS valid codes.
- Work-Based Learning Type (ISP.WT): A coded value representing the work-based learning type that the student completed during the academic year, in any grades 9-12.
- Employer Evaluation (ISP.EE): A coded value representing the student’s performance in the internship as evaluated by their employment supervisor. This field is required for 10-Internships. Values are hard-coded.
- Total External Hours (ISP.TXH): The count of hours that the student spent outside of school in a work-based learning activity for types 10, 15, and 20 in the academic year being reported. While the hours are outside of classroom, the work-based learning activity is tied to the Internship, Student-Led Enterprise, or Simulated Work-Based Learning. Rounded to whole numbers.
- School Sponsored (ISP.SCS): An indication of whether the school, district, or county played a direct role in securing the internship for the student. A “Y” would indicate that the school, district, or county played a direct role in securing the internship. An “N” would indicate it did not.
- Certificated Supervisor (ISP.CS): An indication of whether the internship was part of a program supervised by a certificated staff member of the school, district, or county. A “Y” would indicate that the internship was part of a program supervised by a certificated staff member of the school, district, or county. An “N” would indicate that it was not.
- If this field is tagged as Y, it is expected that the teacher for that section would be the one to supervise it, and can log Visits on that Internship record.
- Section (ISP.SE): This dropdown will list the sections the student has been enrolled within the current year based on Course Attendance even if the class has ended. Enter the section number for the State Course Code that the student completed in which the Internship, Student-Led Enterprise or Simulated Work-Based Learning was embedded.
- Must be a valid State Course Code.
- State Course Code - Embedded Work-Based Based Learning may only be populated if Work-Based Learning Type Code = 10 (Internship), 15 (Student-led Enterprise) or 20 (Simulated Work-Based Learning).
- If Work-Based Learning Type Code is equal to 10 (Internship), then State Course Code - Embedded Work-Based Learning must be populated with a CTE or Work Experience (WE) Course 9500, 9501 or 9502. (Warning for 2023-2024 only). Beginning in 2024/25, a fatal error will be triggered if the 10-Internship does not have a CTE state course code or WE code selected.
- Note: The Section dropdown displays the Section number | Course Title | Course Number | State Course Code
Required Fields in WBLR Extract ↑
For the Work-Based Learning Records that are included in the WBLR extract, some fields are required for certain Work-Based Learning Record Types:
- Internship (10)- Required Fields:
- Employer Evaluation
- Total External Hours
- School Sponsored
- Certificated Supervisor
- Section - The selected section must be a CTE course (7000-8999) or Work Experience Education Course (9500, 9501 or 9502)
- Student-Led Enterprise (15)- Required Fields:
- Total External Hours
- Section - The selected section does not need to be a CTE course.
- Simulated Work-Based Learning (20)- Required Fields:
- Total External Hours
- Section - This section does not need to be a CTE course
Highlighted State Reporting Fields ↑
When a Work-Based Learning Type is selected from the dropdown list, green highlighting will indicate the required fields (if any) for that WBLR type. Make sure the option to Highlight State Reporting Fields is checked in your profile settings if you wish to see the fields highlighted.
Official Definitions: Work-Based Learning Types ↑
Code | Name | Definitions |
10 | Internship | An internship is a work-based learning activity which allows students to apply classroom learning in a work-place setting. Internships can be paid or unpaid. To be counted as a measure for the CCI, internships in PK-12 settings must be tied to a course and instructor and an employment or community partner. The instructor and partner work together to ensure student safety and success, and to monitor student progress. It is critical that all criteria outlined by the Fair Labor Standards Act are met when coordinating internship programs. Internships can occur in Regional Occupational Programs that offer Community Classroom and Co-Op Career Technical Education/Cooperative Vocational Education when in alignment with appropriate Education Code, Laws and Regulations. Internships are: -- Supervised by an industry expert -- Tied to an instructor, course, and/or CTE program -- Paid or unpaid Internships are not: -- Job shadows, or other one-time events or experiences -- A job that a student secures on their own -- Volunteering or working at campus events Note: If Work-Based Learning Type Code is equal to 10 (Internship), then State Course Code - Embedded Work-Based Learning must be populated with a CTE or Work Experience Education Course 9500, 9501 or 9502. (Warning for 2023-2024 only). Beginning in 2024/25, a fatal error will be triggered if the 10-Internship does not have a CTE state course code or WE code selected. |
15 | Student-led Enterprise | A student-led enterprise involves the development and operation of a revenue-generating business (regardless of profit or loss), operating outside the classroom. It is associated with a course at the school in which the student is enrolled and evaluated by the certificated course instructor. Student-Led Enterprise can occur across all 15 CTE Industry Sectors and can also occur in non-CTE programs. Student-led enterprise is: 1) Tied to a course in which students develop a business and/or marketing plan 2) Operated and managed by students 3) Revenue generating (for profit or non-profit) Student-led enterprise is not: 1) Individual student business endeavors 2) A job that a student secures on their own 3) Volunteering or working at campus events or stores |
20 | Simulated Work-Based Learning | Simulated Work-Based Learning is a program where students can gain career experience while at school through an emulated workplace environment that is aligned to the classroom curriculum. Simulated Work-Based Learning is: 1) Tied specifically to a course and instructor 2) Tied specifically to a workplace experience within a school environment (distance, blended, and/or in-person) in conjunction with business or industry 3) Involves work-related and/or technical skill development Simulated Work-Based Learning is not: 1) An online course 2) Remote Internship (code 10 as Internship) 3) Remote Student-Led Enterprise (code 15 as Student-Led Enterprise) 4) Paid Student Work Experience |
25 | Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Program | The student (1) successfully completed, during the academic year, a registered pre-apprenticeship program that is recognized by business and/or industry and registered at the state or national level, and (2) is awarded a certificate of completion upon successful completion of the pre-apprenticeship program. A pre-apprenticeship program is designed to provide students with the entry-level skills necessary to be eligible to enter a registered apprenticeship program (i.e., an apprenticeship program that is registered at the state or national level). Typically, schools that offer pre-apprenticeship programs have a partnership with a local business. |
30 | Non-registered Pre-Apprenticeship Program | The student successfully completed, during the academic year, a non-registered pre-apprenticeship program that is recognized by business and/or industry but not registered at the local, state, or national level. A pre-apprenticeship program is designed to provide students with the entry-level skills necessary to be eligible to enter a registered apprenticeship program (i.e., an apprenticeship program that is registered at the state or national level). Typically, schools that offer pre-apprenticeship programs have a partnership with a local business. |
35 | Job Corps | The student successfully completed, during the academic year, a Job Corps program, administered by the U.S. Department of Education (29 USC Sections 3191-3212), which offers General Educational Development test (GED) support and vocational training to youth, ages 16 to 24 years old. |
40 | Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) | The student successfully completed, during the academic year, a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (19 USC Ch. 32 (128 Stat. 1425)), which works to overcome barriers between in-school or out-of-school youth and employment by placing them in (minimum wage) jobs. |
45 | YouthBuild | The student successfully completed, during the academic year, a YouthBuild program, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (29 USC Section 3226), which trains youth, ages 16 to 24 year old, who have dropped out of high school, in construction by building homes for low-income members of their communities. |
50 | California Conservation Corps | The student successfully completed, during the academic year, a California Conservation Corps program, administered by the California Resources Agency (CA Public Resources Code Sections14000-14424), which engages students, ages 18 to 25 years old, to perform physical labor for environmental conservation and provides life skills training. |
60 | Transition Work-Based Experience | The student successfully completed a minimum of 100 hours of work-based learning since entering 9th grade of a program for students with disabilities on an individualized education program (IEP) that offers students work-based learning experiences that develop knowledge and job skills, in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements. |
65 | Transition Classroom-Based Work Exploration | The student successfully completed the equivalent of four semesters of college and career exploration/preparation courses designed to prepare a student with an IEP for employment and independent living since entering 9th grade. |