Navigate to Grade Reporting > Configurations > Transcript Indicator Definitions
For Texas districts, the Transcript Indicator Definitions page allows you to map your district local codes to the state codes for SPECIAL-EXPLANATION-CODE element (code table TC19) as defined in the TREx Data Standards. Courses that are mapped to the state codes will be extracted to TREx AAR-transcript records with the appropriate special explanation codes.
This page also allows districts to determine the explanation that will appear in the Transcript Indicators Legend for printed transcripts according to TEA Minimum Standards for the Academic Achievement Record guidelines.
The definitions must be set at the district level, since a student's transcript may contain courses from several schools. Indicators must be the same for every secondary school in the district.
Indicators can be set up for any field on the Course table (CRS) or the Transcript table (Course History-HIS).
The Admin role automatically has permission to maintain transcript indicator definitions.
Existing mapped definitions are listed and can be updated as needed. These are mapped to the Cross Reference (XRF) table.
- To edit an existing definition, click on the Edit icon, or click Add to add a definition.
- Indicators: Type one character indicating the district's local code.
- Explanation: Type the description of indicator which will appear in the Transcript Indicators Legend on printed transcripts.
- Table: Select the table to use in the comparison. Select CRS for the course table, or select HIS/CCH for the transcript table.
- Field: Select the field from the table to use in comparison.
- Comparison: Choose the comparison type (Equals, Not Equals, etc.).
- Value: Type the value to be used in the comparison.
- State Code: Select the state-defined code that corresponds to the local Indicator code. The State Code field options correspond to the TC19 code table for the SPECIAL-EXPLANATION-CODE element TE070.
If a student successfully completed a course that has an indicator mapped to a particular State Code, the SPECIAL-EXPLANATION-CODE element will be extracted with the course on the student's AAR/Transcript.
See TREx Field Mapping.
NOTE: Per Minimum Standards for the AAR:- Code A is required for courses included in an articulated agreement.
- Code D is required for dual credit courses.
- The use of all other codes is optional.
Ensure that all district courses that meet these requirements have indicators mapped to the appropriate State Code.
- Click the Save icon.
Example (dual credit course):
- On Courses > Other, set Crs Lvl (CRS.CL) to Dual Credit.
- On the Transcripts page:
- In the Dual Enrollment Credit School (College Level Courses) field, select the school where the student took the course. This field is only displayed if the Crs Lvl field on the Courses > Other is set to 24-Dual Credit.
- In the Characteristics field, select Dual Credit.
- In the Dual Enrollment Credit School (College Level Courses) field, select the school where the student took the course. This field is only displayed if the Crs Lvl field on the Courses > Other is set to 24-Dual Credit.
- On Transcript Indicator Definitions, ensure that a local code is mapped appropriately to State Code D using either the CRS, HIS, or CCH table.
Table = CRS:
If a student has completed this course, the TREx course record will include special explanation code D.
Table = CCH:
Table= HIS:
If a student has a course on their transcript with this characteristic, the TREx course record will include special explanation code D.
Student Transcripts
The transcript Indicators are displayed in the Indicators column on the student's transcript page. A Transcript Indicators Legend is displayed at the bottom of the page which includes all existing indicators.
For example, if the student is taking a course where the Course Level (CRS.CL) is set to 37 (International Baccalaureate (IB) - Higher Level), and if that course characteristic is mapped to a local indicator (e.g., B - IB Course), the local code (B) will be displayed in the TranscriptIndicators column. The Explanation for the local code (B = IB Course) will appear in the Transcript Indicators Legend on the Transcripts page, whether or not the student has the indicator.