During a school shutdown, outreach and engagement with students can be an essential function for teachers performing wellness checks.
Aeries has a couple of solutions to assist in this function. The Aeries Visitation page and/or Aeries Custom Tables to record teacher outreach activity during this time.
Aeries Visitation Page
The Visitation page can be used for keeping notes during wellness check correspondence. There's room for as much narrative information needed. Some districts may already use this page for other counseling functions.
A new code can be added to the CD field in the VIS table to track Wellness checks. See https://support.aeries.com/support/solutions/articles/14000065683-update-code-table to update the code tables.
(Note: Appropriate permissions are needed to update the code tables)
Multiple records can be added to any student the teacher/admin needs. There is a Visitation Report found on the Reports Tab. A user can select a time range to determine correspondence for a particular period of time of correspondence.
NOTE: Appropriate permissions for this Visitation page is needed for any user, including teachers, to have access. Additionally, insure that any other information being entered by staff in the Visitation page is not confidential. Adding additional staff to this page, such as teachers, would have access to pre-existing Visitation data.
You can find more information about the Aeries Visitation page at: https://support.aeries.com/support/solutions/articles/14000070187-counseling-and-visitations
Create a Custom Student Wellness Check page
Going beyond built-in forms in Aeries, Aeries has a powerful tool to allow you to create your own custom page. This may be a desirable way to keep the data separate from other areas of Aeries.
The steps below will allow you to create a custom Student Wellness Check page, including a custom table that can be queried or reported upon in any fashion, just like any other table in Aeries. This is an example, and of course can be customized. Those who are self-hosted can install this themselves. If you are hosted by Aeries, our support team can quickly add this for you. Just refer them to this article.
Teachers and other users can navigate to this page and add records. In this example, it is called Student Wellness Check located under Student Data in the navigation add records.
Simple Queries can be built to report on the outreach activity. Here's an example of a basic query listing all students who have a record in this custom table.
To install this custom table, simply run the below SQL query against your current year database. It will create the table itself, configure it as a custom table definition, and will add some default code table values.
After running the script, the next step is to grant users permissions to this new page. You may grant the permission to the Teachers portal group to grant permissions to all teachers. Consider whether you want users to only read and insert records, or whether you want them to update and delete records as well.
As mentioned above, if you are self-hosted you can install this yourself. If you are hosted by Aeries, contact our support team to have this installed. In either case, if you need assistance, please contact Aeries Support.