The Files tab allows you to create or download the CCGI extract files.
Click on the Create Export Files button to create the new CCGI extract files. NOTE: The Create Export Files button is not available during the Recompute GPA/Class Ranks process. Please see the CCGI - Basic Info document for more information.
While the system is creating the files a Processing message will display
If you or another user attempt to run the Create Export Files before it finishes processing, then a pop-up message will appear indicating that the process is still in progress and to try again later.
Once completed, the new files will display in the File Download list.
Each time the Create Export Files process is run four to five CCGI extract files are created:
- ManifestTemplate - a listing of the files included in the extract
- CourseGradeTemplate - transcript records
- TestTemplate - college entrance test records (will only be created if there are college entrance tests to report)
- StudentTemplate - student demographic information. The PrimaryCDSCode column is populated with the students' Primary Enrollment School's CDS code. When students are primarily enrolled in one school and their Reporting School (ENR.HS) is for a different school, then the Reporting School's CDS code will be extracted.
- CourseCatalog - course data information. Only the courses offered at the school (based on all Course Attendance (CAR) that occurred during the year) will be added to the Course Catalog for that school.
NOTE: If no students have Parental Consent, then the TestGradeTemplate and CourseGradeTemplate files will not be created.
If there are no students that have Parental Consent, then check the Parental Consent settings on the Basic Info tab to make sure it is set up correctly. If the Authorizations (AUT) table is being used for the Parental Consent flag make sure that the date the extract is being run is within the AUT dates. See the CCGI - Supporting Pages and Tables document for more information regarding the Demographics, Supplemental and Authorizations tables.
Click on the Download button next to each of the export files to download the files. Depending on browser settings the file may open up as an Excel file when it is clicked. Take care not to save the file in Excel as this may reformat some of the fields, just close the file and navigate to the Downloads folder on your local computer to retrieve the csv files.
The downloaded files can then be imported as they are into CCGI's secure FTP site. There is no need to copy and paste the data into a new template file, the files can be used in their original state. Also, the files are named using CCGI's naming convention: DistrictName_FileTypeTemplate_YYYYMMDD.csv (for example, EagleUnifiedSchoolDistrict_StudentTemplate_20200226). Please do not rename the file before uploading it to CCGI.
Please contact CCGI for any questions on how to access or upload the files to their site.