Unless the group was/is a Dynamic Group, Students need to be added to the group. The Search and Add Students tab has multiple ways of selecting Students to add to the Student Group. Students can be added using the Search by Student,  Search by Counselor or the Search by Class options. The Search by Class option is only available in an MST/Flex School.

Students can also be added to the group by entering a list of Student ID Numbers (STU.ID), SSID Numbers (STU.CID), or Student Numbers (STU.SN) separated by commas, spaces, or line breaks. After entering the Student list in the Search Student field, click the Load Students button.  The Students are listed in the Search Results area.  

Students can also be added to the group by running a KEEP or SKIP Query.  After the query has been run, click on the Load Students button on the Student Group form and the Students display in the Search Results area.  

After the Students have been loaded using one of the Adding Students to the Group methods and are displayed in the Search Results area of the form, they can be added to the Student Group.   To add individualStudents, click on the Select box to the left of the Student’s name. To select all Students, click the All button above the list of names. The None button can be selected to uncheck all checkboxes displayed in the Search Results section.  When the Students have been selected in the Search Results section, click on the Right Arrow in the center of the form to move the Students from the Search Results area to Selected Students area.  

Click Save to save the group

Click the Save button when all the Students have been added to Selected Students area to save the Group, or click on the Cancel button to clear the Student Selection section completely.