
Districts are required to submit the following information to CALPADS:

  • Student information and course completion information for all students (including primary, secondary, and short-term enrollment) in departmentalized classes in grades 7–12 for the academic year.

From these submitted data, the Districts creates required federal Perkins reports (formerly collected in the Carl Perkins Data System E1 Data Collection. Additionally, these data are now being used in the Career and College Readiness Indicator in the State Accountability Dashboard.

All Districts are required to submit career technical education (CTE) course completion data for grade 7–12 students to CALPADS, including Districts who receive funding for the Carl Perkins Program or Career Technical Education Incentive Grants.

Beginning with academic year 2016-17, the End-of-Year 1 Course Completion and Student Career Technical Education data in CALPADS will replace the E1 Perkins Data System (PDS) collection for federal reporting for the Carl Perkins Career Technical Education Program.

What Needs To Be Reported to CALPADS

CTE program staff must provide the following data for submission to CALPADS:

  • Each student who is a CTE participant based on courses completed in the current academic year. NOTE: In order to certify EOY 1, Perkins-funded and CTE Incentive Grant-funded LEAs that are in at least the second year of the program MUST submit Completers to CALPADS.
  • The pathway of each CTE participant. Students MAY be participants in more than one pathway in an academic year.
  • Each CTE participant who has completed a pathway (CTE completer).
  • Each course (including any course that is not designated with a CTE State Course Code (7000 and 8000 series)) that is:
    • Part of a CTE pathway; AND
    • Taught by a CTE-credentialed teacher
  • Any local course that is part of a CTE technical career pathway or program that has been articulated with a post-secondary education institution.
  • The academic year in which a student completed a specific Career Technical Education Pathway.

Career Pathways in Aeries

The CALPADS Career Technical Education (SCTE) file will include students with valid records in the Career Pathways (CPW) and Career Pathways History (CPH) tables. 

Career Pathways records can be entered in mass for students on the Career Pathways Dashboard page or they can be entered individually by student.  The Career Pathways page can be accessed on the Navigation tree under the Student Data > Programs node. The following page will display for the selected student.

The Career Pathways record and Career Pathways History record for the current Academic Year must be entered to extract.  Only the Career Pathways History (CPH) record Level (LVL) field populated as Participants (Completer) will extract.  Career Pathways History (CPH) records with Level (LVL) of Participants (Introductory) or Participants (Level 2) will not be extracted in the SCTE file.

For more information on Career Pathways, please refer to the following documentation:

Career Pathways Documentation