CALPADS Report | Verify with Aeries Reports/Queries |
3.9 Course Selections Completed - Count by Content Areas for Departmentalized Courses | Run the following query verify course data: LIST MST CRS TCH MST.SE MST.CN CRS.CO CRS.DC CRS.S1 CRS.C3 CRS.C3? CRS.VCL MST.TN TCH.TE BY CRS.S1 Run the following query to verify student course completion information: LIST HIS IF YR = ## Flex: LIST CRS MST SSE STF MST.SE MST.CN CRS.CO CRS.C3 CRS.S1 CRS.S1? STF.LN STF.FN CRS.CSC CRS.SGR CRS.CSA CRS.ACC CRS.MSC CRS.CNC BY CRS.S1 IF SSE.PR = 1 Remember to update the academic year accordingly. Extract to Excel to manipulate the data for totals. |
3.14 Career Technical Education Participants - Count | Run the following query to verify Career Pathways student data: LIST STU CPW CPH STU.TG STU.ID STU.NM CPW.CD CPW.CM CPH.AY CPH.LVL IF CPH.AY = 20##-20## Remember to update the academic year accordingly. Extract to Excel to manipulate the data for totals. Run the following query to verify courses are sequenced correctly within the Career Pathways: LIST CCP CRS MST CCP.CD CCP.CN CRS.CO CRS.C3 CCP.LVL CCP.YR CCP.LVL MST.SE MST.HQC BY CCP.CD Includes the High Quality Course indicator(MST.HQC) if the course is being reported as a High Quality CTE course. Run the following query to verify CTE courses that are either Articulated or College Credit: LIST CRS CN CO C3 CL TY IF C3 >= 7000 AND C3 <= 9000 |
3.19 Career Technical Education Completers - Count by Pathway (New for 20-21) |