CALPADS Report | Verify with Aeries Reports/Queries |
2.4 English Learner Education Services - Student Count Unduplicated | At an elementary school environment, run the following query to verify English Learner Services: LIST STU TCH STU.ID STU.NM STU.LF TCH.TE TCH.ESR TCH.LI TCH.INS IF STU.LF = 'English Learner code' At a secondary school environment, run the following query to verify English Learner Services: LIST STU SEC MST TCH STU.ID STU.NM STU.LF TCH.TE MST.SE MST.ESR MST.LI MST.INS IF STU.LF = 'English Learner code' Change the code number in the IF statement to the applicable code for EL. Extract to Excel to manipulate the data for totals. Flex: LIST STU SEC MST CRS SSE STF STU.ID STU.NM STU.LF STF.LN STF.FN MST.SE MST.ESR MST.LI MST.INS IF STU.LF = 'English Learner code' |
2.5 English Learner Education Services - Unduplicated Count of Teachers Providing EL Services | At an elementary school environment, run the following total query to verify teacher services: TOTAL TCH ESR LI INS BY ESR LI INS At a secondary school environment, run the following total query to verify teacher services: TOTAL MST ESR LI INS BY ESR LI INS |
3.6 Course Section Enrollment - Count by Content Area | At an elementary school environment, run the following total query to verify the number of sections offered: TOTAL TCH CB BY CB To include teacher enrollment counts, run the following total query: TOTAL TCH CB TS BY CB TS At a secondary school environment, run the following total query to verify the number of sections offered: TOTAL MST CRS MST.CN CRS.C3 BY MST.CN CRS.C3 To include teacher enrollment counts, run the following total query: TOTAL MST CRS MST.CN CRS.C3 MST.TS BY MST.CN CRS.C3 MST.TS |
4.1 Staff - Count by FTE by Job Classification | Run the following query to verify staff information: LIST STF STJ STF.PSC STF.ID STF.SID STF.LN STF.FN STF.PS STF.TP STJ.JC STJ.JC? STJ.NC1 STJ.NC1? STJ.FTE STJ.SCL BY STF.PSC STF.ID STF.JC IF STF.TG # I Extract to Excel to manipulate the data for totals. |
4.3 - Staff Teaching Assignments - Detail | Run the following query will mimic the 4.3 Fall 2 report and can be used to look at teacher credentials to help find potential misassignments: LIST CRS MST TCH STF STF.SID STF.ID STF.FN STF.LN STF.TYD CRS.C3 CRS.CO MST.SE MST.CN CRS.CS CRS.U1? CRS.U2? CRS.VLU? CRS.CCG? CRS.SGR CRS.MSC MST.SM MST.ESR MST.LI MST.INS CRS.CL CRS.TY MST.TEP MST.ISI MST.DLI MST.MSC MST.OIT? BY STF.SID IF STF.ID # 0 |
Fall 2 Queries Print
Modified on: Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 1:33 PM
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