The Teachers form can be used to pre-enroll students into classes for the upcoming school year. 

Navigate to the School Info/Teacher page.

Prior to enrolling students, the teachers must be setup. A teacher number can be created for each grade level so that all students will be grouped together for example below the Teacher Name is Grade 3. The information displayed will also be for the next school year such as the student’s Low and High grade level.

The Teacher Data page can be used to pre-enroll students into classes for the upcoming school year.  Select the option View Next Year Data option on the Teacher Data page.

The pages will display all students with the Next Teacher (STU.NT) of the selected Teacher.

To individually assign students to another teacher on the Teacher Data page, select the student by checking the box under the Move column.

In the New Teacher field enter the teacher number for these students and click on Button 3 to move only tagged students. A message will display that these students will be moved to the new teacher number.  Click the mouse on the OK button.  The NextTch field for this student now displays the teacher number selected for the next year’s teacher assignment.

For more information on assigning students for the new school year, click:  

Elementary Classroom Scheduling:  How are students assigned to teachers for the next school year?