Navigate to School Info > Configurations > Define Student Grade Levels
This page used to define the Grade Levels used in a District. These are the Grades that show up in STU.GR and other Grade dropdown menus. The Student grade level stores a numeric value, but pages display the Grade to Display.
Security Permissions
Admin only
The Define Student Grade Levels form allows the definition of Descriptions and Translations for each Grade level allowed at the District. The Configuration is done at the District Level and applies to all Schools.
Note: Aeries only supports grade levels of -2 thru 18.

- Allow Grade - This checkbox selects the Grades that are available for Schools. When this page is viewed at a School, only the Grades allowed for that School are checked, with the exception of Grades 14-18 which display at all Schools. This selection is controlled by the Low Grade and High Grade (LOC.LO and LOC.HI) defined in School Options. However, each school has the ability to define whether the grades above 13 can be used. For example, an elementary school might choose to un-check the grades above 13 on this page.
- Grade to Display - This is the Code that displays in Dropdowns, usually along with the Description. The Codes are editable.

- Description of Grade Level - The customizable Description that displays. For example, Grade 9 might be 9th, 9th Grade, Grade 9, Freshman Year, First Year, etc.
- Actual Value - The value that is stored in STU.GR.
- Record Count - When viewed at a School, this shows the count of Students at each Grade Level for that School.
- Translation 1 - 6 - Up to 6 languages can be translated for the Description of Grade Level.
The values you define for Grade to Display, Description of Grade Level, and Actual Value in Database are stored in the Code (COD) table for STU.GR.
The values for Grades 14-18 are stored in the Options (OPT) Table.
Reports and Forms
Forms and Reports use the translated Grade Levels from the Define Student Grade Levels form. In the following example, the student's grade level was defined as Ungraded Secondary on the Define Student Grade Levels form, so US is displayed for her grade level on the Student Data 1 form and on her report card. Note that the 0 Grade Level displays as K in most places in Aeries, even if modified here.