Every year grantees that operated ASES, 21st CCLC, and ASSETs programs in the prior school year need to submit an enrollment and continuous quality improvement report to CDE. CDE provides two Excel templates to aid in the data submission (please contact CDE for a copy of the templates). More information regarding the requirements for these reports and additional information regarding the After School Education & Safety Program can be found on CDE's website at  http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ba/as/

The Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) in Aeries will create an Excel file which contains supplemental attendance totals by school and student for districts that run ASES, 21st CCLC, and ASSETs supplemental attendance programs. For the 2016-17 school year and forward this report can only be run in the Aeries Web Version. For the 2015-16 school year and prior the report must be run in Aeries Client. This article details the procedures for running the CCLC/ASES and ASSETs reports in Aeries Web Version. If you need directions on how to run this report in the Aeries Client in a 2015-16 or older database please contact Aeries Support for documentation. 

The CCLC/ASES and ASSETs reports are typically run in the prior year database. The Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) will create Excel spreadsheets in a format compatible with CDE's reporting templates. 

NOTE: Supplemental Attendance is used to calculate the information in this report. The data needs to be accurate prior to running the report. We highly recommend running the Supplemental Attendance Audit Report (available at the school level) and cleaning up any errors prior to running the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs).

NOTE: The 2016-17 CCLC/ASES and ASSETs reports also include student enrollment counts along with Supplemental Attendance. Attendance History Summary (AHS) is used to provide the enrollment counts. Data in these tables need to be accurate prior to running the report for 2016-17 reporting.

The Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) can be found in View All Reports


Admin users will have access to the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) by default. Non-admin users will need Read permissions to the Supplemental Attendance Programs (ATP), Supplemental Attendance Sessions (ATS), Supplemental Attendance Student Assignments (ATA), and Supplemental Attendance Data (ATD) tables. Remember that the permission to these tables needs to be set up for the prior year database.

ASES or 21st CCLC Report

To create the supplemental attendance report for the CCLC/ASES programs log into the prior year database and navigate to the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) screen from View All Reports. The report can be run while logged in at either the district level or at the school level. When run at the school level the report will only extract data for the students in that school. 

Select the ASES or 21st CCLC report option. 

For the 2018-19 school year and forward the Agency Name field is needed for the template and defaults to the District name. It can be changed to another value. The data for this field is stored in the District Options (DPT) table.

Next select the Supplemental Attendance Sessions at each school that contain the Supplemental Attendance data for the 21st CCLC and ASES programs by clicking on them. Notice that selections can be made for 5 separate programs. These correspond with the programs that need to be reported to CDE. In the below example Golden Eagle ran one Before School Base program and one Before School Supplemental program. Both Golden Eagle and Screaming Eagle ran one ASES After School Base program. Any programs that your district did not provide can be left blank. 

After all selections have been made click on the Run Report button. When the system has completed processing the data a message will come up indicating that the report is ready to be viewed. Click on either the Download Report or View Report buttons. The report will be available either at the bottom of the browser window (Chrome) or in a pop-up (Firefox). 

Open the report to reveal the summary of students with supplemental attendance records in the selected sessions. The following information is provided:

Columns A - K  (Agency - AfterSupp6B (May - Aug)) - includes all of the information that needs to be provided in the Outcome Data for Evaluation  tab of the 2018-19 Outcome Data and CQI Report for ASES and 21st.xlsx provided by CDE.

Columns L - P (ID - SC) - have been provided to aid in reviewing and verifying the data

Column A (Agency) - an 80-character field for Agency Name. Defaults to the District Name and can by edited prior to running the report by changing the value in the Agency Name field on the page.

Columns B & D (NM & CID) - the report is sorted by School Name (NM) and Student State ID (CID)

Columns E - K (BeforeBase - AfterSupp6B (May-Aug)) - the number of days the student attended the supplemental attendance sessions selected for these programs. Supplemental Attendance Data (ATD) records with time (ATD.TM) >= 1 minute will count as having attended the program for that day. The Supplemental Attendance Data (ATD) record must also fall within the student's enrollment in the session, i.e., the date (ATD.DT) of the Supplemental Attendance Data record for the student must fall within the start and end dates (ATA.DS  and ATA.DE) of the student's Supplemental Attendance Assignment in that session.

Agency - Agency name please contact CDE for questions regarding what value to put in this field.

NM - name of the school that provided the supplemental attendance session.

CDS - County, District, State code of the school

CID - student State ID 

BeforeBase - count of ATD records for the selected sessions where TM >= 1. CDE defines this program as: Number of days pupil attended the Before School Base program. Please contact CDE for questions regarding how to identify which programs meet this criteria. 

AfterBase - count of ATD records for the selected sessions where TM >= 1. CDE defines this program as: Number of days pupil attended After School Base program. Please contact CDE for questions regarding how to identify which programs meet this criteria. 

BeforeSupp - count of ATD records for the selected sessions where TM >= 1. CDE defines this program as: Number of days pupil attended Before School Summer/ Supplemental  program. Please contact CDE for questions regarding how to identify which programs meet this criteria. 

AfterSupp3 (Sept - April) - count of ATD records from September - April for the selected sessions where TM >= 1. CDE defines this program as: Number of days pupil attended 3-hour After School Summer/ Supplemental  program September through April. Please contact CDE for questions regarding how to identify which programs meet this criteria. 

AfterSupp6 (Sept - April) - count of ATD records from September - April for the selected sessions where TM >= 1. CDE defines this program as: Number of days pupil attended 6-hour After School Summer/ Supplemental  program September through April. Please contact CDE for questions regarding how to identify which programs meet this criteria. 

AfterSupp3 (May - Aug) - count of ATD records from May - August for the selected sessions where TM >= 1. CDE defines this program as: Number of days pupil attended 3-hour After School Summer/ Supplemental  program May through August. Please contact CDE for questions regarding how to identify which programs meet this criteria. 

AfterSupp6 (May - Aug) - count of ATD records from May - August for the selected sessions where TM >= 1. CDE defines this program as: Number of days pupil attended 6-hour After School Summer/ Supplemental  program May through August. Please contact CDE for questions regarding how to identify which programs meet this criteria. 

ID - student ID number. Included for data validation purposes.

LN - student last name. Included for data validation purposes.

FN - student first name. Included for data validation purposes.

MN - student middle name. Included for data validation purposes.

SC - school code. Included for data validation purposes.

Once the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) has been reviewed and verified, the data in columns A - K will need to be copied into the template provided by CDE.

Please contact CDE for a copy of the spreadsheet template. For more information CDE's website is  http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ba/as/ 

On the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) spreadsheet, select the data in columns A - K (Agency - AfterSupp6B (May - Aug)). Right click in the selected cells and click on Copy.

NOTE: Do not copy the header record

Open the 2018-19 Outcome Data and CQI Report for ASES and 21st.xlsx template provided by CDE. On the Outcome Data for Evaluation tab right click in the empty data cell in column A and select Paste

The data from the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) is now populated in the template. Review CDE's directions on what other information needs to be populated in the template, the naming convention to be used when saving the template, and how to upload the template to CDE.

ASSETs Report

To create the supplemental attendance report for the ASSETs program log into the prior year database and navigate to the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) screen from View All Reports. The report can be run while logged in at either the district level or at the school level. When run at the school level the report will only extract data for the students in that school. 

Select the ASSETs report option. 

For the 2018-19 school year and forward the Agency Name field is needed for the template and defaults to the District name. It can be changed to another value. The data for this field is stored in the District Options (DPT) table.

Next select the Supplemental Attendance Program that contains the attendance data for the ASSETs programs from the Select Program to be used dropdown. All schools will be selected by default. Select the schools that provided the ASSETs program. 

After all selections have been made click on the Run Report button. When the system has completed processing the data a message will come up indicating that the report is ready to be viewed. Click on either the Download Report or View Report buttons. The report will be available either at the bottom of the browser window (Chrome) or in a pop-up (Firefox). 

Open the report to reveal the summary of students with supplemental attendance records in the selected program. The following information is provided:

Columns A - E  (Agency - SuppAtt) - includes all of the information that needs to be provided in the Outcome Data for Evaluation  tab of the 2018-19 Outcome Data and CQI Report for ASSETs.xls provided by CDE.

Columns F - K (ID - SC) - have been provided to aid in reviewing and verifying the data

Column A (Agency) - an 80-character field for Agency Name. Defaults to the District Name and can by edited prior to running the report by changing the value in the Agency Name field on the page.

Columns B & D (NM & CID) - the report is sorted by School Name (NM) and Student State ID (CID)

Column D (SuppAtt) - the number of days the student attended the selected supplemental attendance program. Supplemental Attendance Data (ATD) records with time (ATD.TM) >= 1 minute will count as having attended the program for that day. The Supplemental Attendance Data (ATD) record must also fall within the student's enrollment in the session, i.e., the date (ATD.DT) of the Supplemental Attendance Data record for the student must fall within the start and end dates (ATA.DS  and ATA.DE) of the student's Supplemental Attendance Assignment in that session.

Agency - Agency name please contact CDE for questions regarding what value to put in this field.

NM - name of the school that provided the supplemental attendance program. 

CDS - County, District, State code of the school

CID - student State ID 

SuppAtt - count of ATD records for the selected program where TM >= 1. CDE defines this program as: Number of days pupil attended the ASSETs program. Please contact CDE for questions regarding how to identify which programs meet this criteria. 

ID - student ID number. Included for data validation purposes.

LN - student last name. Included for data validation purposes.

FN - student first name. Included for data validation purposes.

MN - student middle name. Included for data validation purposes.

PR - the selected Supplemental Attendance Program. Included for data validation purposes.

SC - school code. Included for data validation purposes.

Once the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) has been reviewed and verified, the data in columns A - E will need to be copied into the template provided by CDE.

Please contact CDE for a copy of the spreadsheet template. For more information CDE's website is  http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ba/as/ 

On the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) spreadsheet, select the data in columns A - E (Agency - SuppAtt). Right click in the selected cells and click on Copy.

NOTE: Do not copy the header record.

Open the 2018-19 Outcome Data and CQI Report for ASSETs.xls template provded by CDE. On the Outcome Data for Evaluation tab right click in the empty data cell in column A and select Paste

The data from the Supplemental Attendance Report (CCLC/ASES and ASSETs) is now populated in the template. Review CDE's directions on what other information needs to be populated in the template, the naming convention to be used when saving the template, and how to upload the template to CDE.