Course History Institutions is a table that lists districts and schools with their corresponding CDS (County/District/School) number. This table is linked and populates several pages including:  Transcripts (HIS), Interdistrict Transfers (STU.ITD), Attendance Enrollment (ATT.ITD), and Other District Enrollment (ODE).  The district and school CDS numbers must be accurate and this table cannot contain any duplicated entries.

If a student has taken a course at a different school, the name of the school can be displayed on a transcript if the school must be set up in Course History Institutions.  Course History Institutions can be found under School Info | Configurations. Click on the Add button and enter all school information including the ID type. Save the changes.

Be sure the ID Number is entered without hyphens.

From the Student Transcript form, click in the Schl column.  Either enter the school number if it is already known, or use the Search box to search for the school by number or name. Select the desired school and the school name will display on the transcript.

NOTE: Course History (CHI) school numbers 0 - 999 are reserved for the "Aeries" school codes that are used on the School Options (LOC) page. These Course History school numbers  and names should match the school numbers and names in School Options (LOC).

The Course History Institutions (CHI) page also has a checkbox at the bottom to Display References to this Record. When this box is checked, it will display other places this is used throughout the system. This data should be verified before deleting or changing any CHI codes.