CALPADS Student Absence Summary (STAS) Extract

The Student Absence Summary (STAS) file for End of Year Reporting (EOY) will enable the calculation of student-level chronic absenteeism rates. The STAS file will extract Attendance Summary information from the Attendance History (AHS) table. Detailed attendance data will not be sent to CALPADS, only totals for the various aggregates.

CALPADS will expect STAS data for all students in grades K–12, including transitional kindergarten (TK), who have primary or short-term enrollments. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are required to submit STAS records for students enrolled in a Non-Public School (NPS) or students receiving home or hospital instruction but may indicate in the record that they are exempt from submitting absence information. Also students whose primary enrollment is in your school/district but is attending community college full-time and/or students enrolled in your school/district for a single day for purposes of reporting a summer graduate may also be exempt. See CALPADS STAS File - Other Options for information on exempt students.

Please refer to the CALPADS Attendance (STAS) document for more detailed information.

EOY 3 CALPADS STAS File - General Information


In the event an emergency causes school to close physically earlier than the official last day of school, an option has been added to District Settings to specify the Last Day of Regular School Attendance. The STAS extract will use the specified ending date, instead of the scheduled last day of school when calculating Expected Days of Attendance.  This process should be used when the emergency causes the school(s) to NOT RE-OPEN before the planned last day of school.