Helpful Aeries Reports
District and School: Print Enrollment Audit Listing Report
School: Print Student Counts by Grade and Race/Ethnicity (CBEDS) or Print Student Counts by Grade and Subgroup (CBEDS)
School: Print Student Data Audit
Reminder: Built into the file build process for CALPADS is reporting compliance logic. This simply means that a lot of the data management leg work has been taken care of for the LEA. However, you will need to understand the file build process and understand how to manage the CALPADS cross reference (XRF) table. This knowledge can be acquired via the Aeries documentation as well as Aeries workshop attendance.
Resource Links
Link CALPADS System Reporting documents:
Freshdesk contains many helpful sections for help with CALPADS reporting. FAQs, Common Errors and documents are available. Link to Freshdesk CALPADS documentation and FAQs: CALPADS