District Assets can be used to keep track and inventory electronic devices such as tablets, iPads, laptops, as well as traditional resources such as textbooks and instructional materials. Items can be checked out to students, teachers, or both, as well as inventoried through unique district-wide barcodes. District Assets can be accessed from the District or the School level.
The following pages are available for District Assets:
- Resources/Assets - allows for adding, editing, or deleting items and titles and mass adding items into the system
- Quick Asset Information Lookup – scanning or entering an item’s barcode into the screen will display information regarding the asset including the status, who it is currently checked out to, and item check out/in history
- Student Assets – A student related page which displays the history of mobility of items assigned to a student
- Student Check-Out – devices or textbooks for students can be checked out with a handheld scanner or entered manually
- Student Check-In – devices or textbooks can be checked in with a handheld scanner or entered manually
- Student Asset Fees – allows for adding, editing or deleting fees associated with district assets
- Staff Assets – displays the history of mobility of devices or textbooks assigned to a teacher or staff member
- Staff Check-Out – devices or textbooks for staff/teachers can be checked out with a handheld scanner or entered manually
- Staff Check-In – devices or textbooks can be checked in with a handheld scanner or entered manually
- Mass Change Items – allows for mass adding, editing, or deleting data in up to 8 different fields.
- Mass Add Checked-Out Fees (or Financials) – allows for mass assigning fees to students that have asset items currently checked out.
- Vendors – allows for entering information related to vendors used to purchase items.
- Reports– various reports are available to print for both staff and student asset information. Reports include:
- Asset Barcode Labels - to print or reprint barcode labels for items
- Asset Course Listing
- Asset Details - lists all asset titles
- Asset Items - lists all items and their current status
- Assets Checked Out To Staff
- Assets Checked Out To Students
- Assets Checked Out To Students N Per Page
- Assets Checked Out To Students Vertical
Table | Permission | Use |
DRT | Read | Add New Assets, Mass Add Items |
Insert | Add New Assets, Mass Add Items | |
Update | Update Asset Information | |
Delete | Delete Assets | |
DRI | Read | View Asset Items |
Insert | Add Items to an Asset | |
Update | Update Item information | |
Delete | Delete Items | |
DRA | Read | Quick Asset Lookup, View Student and Staff Asset information |
Insert | Add Student/Staff Assets on Student/Staff Asset page | |
Update | Update Student/Staff Asset Information, Student/Staff Check-out | |
VND | See Vendors documentation |
Adding Asset Titles
Titles and Items can be added on the Resources / Assets page. Click Add will add a Title. At a minimum, enter text in the Title field. The remainder of the fields are used as a reference for tracking or querying purposes. The type, department, and user code fields can have dropdowns configured in the Code Table. Data is stored in the DRT table.
Asset Type can be used to categorize Assets by type such as 'Textbooks', 'Tablets', 'Projectors', etc. Codes can be set up on the Update Code Table page for DRT.TY. The use of Type makes it easier to run Queries and is an option on the Asset Items report.
Adding Items
Once an asset title has been created, items can be added. There are three ways to add items.
1. Mass Add Items Add many items and automatically assign barcodes by entering the number of items to add, as well as the starting barcode number. The last barcode used for this particular item is displayed for reference. Note: If the starting barcode number is left blank, records will be created without bar codes which may not be desirable.
After clicking OK, the user will be prompted to print barcode labels, which are formatted to print on Avery 5160 compatible labels.
2. Items Tab - Add New Item - The second method of adding items is from the Items tab. Clicking Add New Item can be used to add an item individually, and will require entering or scanning the barcode and other information related to the item. Click on the Save icon once all data has been entered for the item.
3. Items Tab - Scan Many Items This is used to add many items either by scanning or manually entering each item's barcode. When manually entering the barcode use the Enter key to add the current record and open up the next record. Scan Many Items is useful if your items already have unique barcodes. After scanning the first item, the values for the room, condition, code, comment, school, price, and warehouse are automatically filled in for the next item being scanned. To stop the Scan Many Items feature, click on the Cancel button in the new record.
Mass Update Barcodes
Security: Read to DRT, DRA, Insert to DRT, Update to DRI
This form allows you to quickly add/update Barcodes to existing Items using a scanner or manual entry. Clicking 'Mass Update Barcodes' opens the form.
The form contains Options across the top to 'Display Items without barcode', and to filter the list using the 'From' and 'To' dropdowns.
The form will populate with the Items of this Asset:
- Asset # - This is the Resource ID (DRT.RID)
- Item ID - This is the Item # (DRI.RIN)
- Barcode - DRI.BC
- Status - Checked out to Teacher or Student (DRI.ST)
- Price - Price from District Resource Titles (DRT.PR)
You can Filter by Item #. Select or type in the box. The dropdown will display the Item numbers. Note: If you have 'Limit to Current School' checked on the Resources/Assets page, you will only see the Items belonging to that School based on DRI.SCL.
Display only items without a Barcode. This can be used in combination with the From/To filters.
If there are no items within the Options you selected you will see this message.
Clicking anywhere on the row will set the cursor in the Barcode field, and will allow start scanning of Barcodes or manual entry a number then press the enter key.
When a Barcode is successfully saved there will be a green notification in the upper right corner of the screen.
If the barcode already exists in the database, you will receive an Alert. Note: The barcode search excludes Del-tagged records.
On the last item it will play a loud 'Success' sound and a message.
When there are no items for an Asset you will receive a message.
NOTE: At this time, it is NOT possible to use the Import Data process to import District Assets checked out to students, even though the DRA table is listed as an available table. DRA records require a related record linked to the DRI table. We will be hiding the DRA table from the available table listing to avoid confusion.
Checking out Items
District Assets can be checked out by individual student or students can be grouped by class to assist in the assignment of assets processing.
By Student
To check an item out to a student, go to the Student Check-Out page. This page allows for scanning the student ID number, and then scanning the item barcode number to check out an item. If multiple items are being checked out to the student, the Add Many checkbox can be checked to allow scanning multiple items.
If the student's ID number is not known, the Student Assets page can be used instead. Simply search for the student using the normal Aeries search function, and click Check Out One or Check Out Many to check items out to the student.
After the user has completed with one student, click the blue X icon to start with another student.
The process for checking out items to staff is similar, except done from the Staff Check-Out page.
By Class
To group students by class for asset checkout, you must first login to the desired school.
At the school level, an additional option to Lookup By Class becomes available.
Selecting the Lookup By Class check box will reveal the Class Filter band above the District Assets – Student Check-Out area.
The available list of students for asset check out can be reduced to a single Teacher, Section, Period, Course, Subject Area, Department, or Room by making a selection from the Filter By list.
In a school with a master schedule, selecting teacher will reveal a list of teachers and sections. Selecting a teacher will reduce the available options to the selected teacher’s scheduled classes (sections).
To narrow the possible selections to a particular class, select only the desired class from the filter listing.
Note: CTRL-Click and Shift-Click can be used to select multiple teachers and sections.
Once the desired level of filtering is complete, select the Load Students button.
A filtered list of student will be made available and the Class Filter band will be minimized on the form.
Select the desired student from the list to assign assets. The student’s ID, Photo and Name will be loaded into the form ready for asset Check-out.
If you will be checking out multiple assets to a particular student, select the Add Many check box to keep the currently selected student after entering an asset barcode. Use a barcode reader to enter the asset barcode number or type the barcode number then hit enter to check-out the asset to the student.
Checking in Items
Checking in items can be done by either the Student Check-In page, or the Staff Check-In page.
Note: An item that is Checked-Out to both a student and a staff member can be Checked-In for both using the Staff Check-In form. The check in process varies slightly depending on which form is being used. Users will be alerted to fees under some circumstances.
Mass Change Items
The Mass Change Items page can be used to change various field associated with item by scanning them. For example, suppose I have 10 books I would like to change the Price field for. I can set the data on this page, and then scan those 10 items to update the Item data.
Items Tab - Search, Filter, Sort, Update Data, History
The Search option in the header of the Items tab can be used to limit the records that are displayed on the page. The count of records in the lower right corner will reflect the Search limit. In the below example we are limiting the list of items to those that have an S in one of the fields:
The Filters in each column can also be used to limit the records displayed on the Items tab. In the below example we are limiting the list of items to those that have a Warehouse Code of L.
Clicking on the column header will Sort the Items by that column in ascending order. Clicking the column a second time will sort descending, and clicking the column a third time will go back to the default sort.
To Update the existing Items records, simply click into the field that you need to update and add/update the data. The mouse or the tab key can be used to traverse across the record. The up and down arrows on the keyboard can be used to toggle through the dropdown values, or simply type the code to select the dropdown value.
Clicking on the History button will bring up a check-out report of the item.
District Assets Data
Three main tables of data are used in District Assets. This includes titles (DRT), items (DRI), and associations (DRA) as documented below:
- DRT - District Assets Titles. The title of the item. Each Title can have many items associated with it. For example, a title might be "The Language of Literature" and under that title many books are associated.
- Asset Title# (DRT.RID)
- Type (DRT.TY) code table values
- Title (DRT.TI)
- Author (DRT.AU)
- Copies (DRT.CP) Calculated Value. Total number of items associated with this title.
- Available (DRT.AV) Calculated Value. All items that are not checked out.
- First# (DRT.FC) For reference only, not used.
- Last# (DRT.LC) For reference only, not used.
- Price (DRT.PR) Price paid for the item. May be left blank.
- Replacement Cost (DRT.RC) Replacement cost of the item. This is the cost to replace the item, and the price students would expect to pay if they lost the item.
- Department (DRT.DP) code table values
- Vendor (DRT.VN). This is associated with the Vendors (VND) table and associated page.
- Approval Date (DRT.AD)
- Publisher (DRT.PB)
- Copyright Year (DRT.CR)
- Edition (DRT.ED) Example 4th, 5th, etc.
- Catalog (DRT.CT) Example Dewey decimal number
- Library of Congress Number (DRT.LB)
- User Code 1-8 (DRT.U1-U8) code table values
- Not used (DRT.D1-D4)
- Not used (DRT.C1-C3)
- DRI - District Assets Items. This stores each item that has a unique barcode and is what gets checked in/out to individuals (i.e. a textbook, chromebook, etc.). For example, an individual English textbook is considered an item.
- Asset Title# (DRI.RID) Related to the DRT table
- Asset Item# (DRI.RIN) Automatically assigned unique number for each item within a title.
- Barcode (DRI.BC)
- Serial # (DRI.SR)
- MAC Address (DRI.MAC)
- Room (DRI.RM)
- Condition (DRI.CC) code table values
- Status (DRI.ST) Note: The Status field is currently managed automatically by the system, and is read-only. It records if an item is checked out to a Staff (T) or Student (S). This field cannot be used for any other purpose. Additional fields such as Code, Condition, or Warehouse are drop-down fields which could be used for other tracking purposes.
- Code (DRI.CD) code table values
- Comment (DRI.CO)
- School (DRI.SCL). This is the school who owns the item, or the school the item belongs to.
- Price (DRI.PR). Price paid for this particular item. For reference.
- Warehouse (DRI.WH) code table values
- DRA - District Assets Associations (checkin/checkout). This stores the data on what items are checked out to whom.
- Asset Title# (DRA.RID) Related to the DRT table
- Asset Item# (DRA.RIN) Related to the item in the DRI table.
- ID (DRA.ID) The student ID (or staff ID) of the person who the item is checked out to
- Student/Teacher (DRA.ST). Indicator field noting S for Student, or T for Teacher/Staff.
- School (DRA.SCL) Populated with the current school
- Date Issued (DRA.DT) The date the item was checked out
- Date Returned (DRA.RD) The date the item was returned. Items with no return date are considered checked out.
- Condition (DRA.CC) Not currently used. Populated blank.
- Code (DRA.CD) Not currently used. Populated blank.
- Comment (DRA.CO)
- Anticipated Due Date (DRA.DD) Not currently used. Populates blank.
- VND - Vendors
- DRC - District Assets Courses (not currently used)