


Prior Steps



The Enrollment Tracking process allows districts to generate an enrollment event file that can be submitted to the TEA TSDS Event Tracking Module on a weekly basis. A final Enrollment Tracking file can also be generated, which contains an Exit Event for each student who is active on the last day of the current school year.

The Enrollment Tracking process uses the enrollment data in the Enrollment History (ENR) table to create a file in the format specified by the TEA. This file can then be uploaded to the TSDS portal. 

This process will honor KEEP/SKIP queries. 

Pre-enrolled students (STU.TG = *) are not extracted.


The following permissions must be set in Security for users who will be managing Unique ID functions.

Table/Program AreaPermissionDescription
Other - State ReportingAdminRun Texas State Reporting extracts
Other Student Data - Student SSNAdminRun Texas State Reporting extracts
Staff Data - Staff SSNAdminRun Texas State Reporting extracts

Additionally, users will need appropriate permission to view or update the individual tables that are used for maintaining data.


Enrollment History (ENR)Enter Date (ED)The student's enrollment enter date in current year
Enrollment History (ENR)Leave Date (LD)The student's enrollment leave date in current year
Student Data (STU)Date Timestamp (DTS)the date-time at which the student's demographic record was changed
Encrypted Student Data (ESD)Date Timestamp (DTS)the date-time at which the student's SSN or S-Number record was changed

Prior Steps

  • Before creating the Enrollment Tracking file, it is recommended that districts run the following query to check for students who do not have the Texas Unique ID field (STU.CID) populated on Demographics > Student Data 2.


    The query provides list of students whose Unique ID field (STU.CID) is blank.

  • Use the Assign Unique ID process to produce a file of students in the district who do not have Texas Unique ID assigned, obtain IDs for these students, and then import the IDs into Aeries. Then proceed with creating the Enrollment Tracking file. See Texas - Unique ID Functions - Assign Unique ID.

  • Be sure the following Demographics data exists for students who need a Unique ID. The Enrollment Tracking process will skip students if these fields are blank.

Aeries Table.Field
Student IDSTU.ID
First NameSTU.FN
Last NameSTU.LN
Student SSN/S-NumberESD.ED


The Unique ID Functions tab contains two sub-tabs:  

  • Enrollment Tracking 
  • Assign Unique ID

Navigate to School Info > Imports and Exports > Texas State Reporting > Unique ID Functions > Enrollment Tracking

Texas State Reporting page - Enrollment Tracking Functions tab

NOTE: The Scheduled Process currently cannot be enabled. The enrollment tracking process must be done on demand.

  1. Under Last Processed, if a file has previously been created, the date-time stamp is displayed indicating the last time the file was created.

  2. (This feature is not currently available.) Under Days to Run Process, if the file needs to be processed on a specific day of the week, select one or more days.

  3. (This feature is not currently available.) If the file needs to be processed at a certain time of day, enter the Time.

  4. (Optional) Enter the Email Address for the person who should receive status messages about the process. You can enter multiple addresses separated by a comma.

  5. (This feature is not currently available.) If the file needs to be processed on a certain date, enter the Date to Process. If blank, enrollment records for the entire year are included. Otherwise, the file will contain enrollment records for any student who has a date after the Date to Process in one of the following fields:
    • ENR.ED:  The student's enrollment enter date in current year is after the Date to Process
    • ENR.LD:  The student's enrollment leave date in current year is after the Date to Process
    • STU.DTS:  a change has been made to the student's demographic record after the Date to Process
    • ESD.DTS:  a change has been made to the student's SSN or S-Number record after the Date to Process

  6. Click Save if any field was updated.
    A message is displayed confirming that the changes were saved.

  7. Run the process.
    • Click Run Process Now if you are running the process during the school year.
    • Or, click Run End of Year Process Now if you are running the process after the school year has ended. This button is only enabled after the last day of the school year.
      • When the button is disabled, a message indicates the date on which the button will become enabled, which is based on the latest Ending Date  (TRM.D2) entered on the Terms page where Term = Year (TRM.TM = Y).

      • The end-of-year process generates a final Enrollment Tracking file for the current school year. The file contains an Exit Event for each student who was active on the last day of the school year, based on the student’s enrollment (ENR) record. The exit date is the last day of school.

  8. You are prompted to confirm that you wish to continue. Click OK.

  9. A message is displayed confirming that the process is running.

  10. When the process is finished you will be notified by email.

  11. Once completed, the Last Processed field is updated to display the date and time when the process was last run.

  12. On Texas State Reporting, the batch file is  displayed under File Download with Type "EnrTrack."

  13. Click the download icon to downloaded the extract file.

    The .csv file is formatted to be processed through the TSDS Unique ID system. It contains student demographic data, enter or leave dates, and other information required by TSDS and is formatted to be uploaded to the TSDS system: 
    • Delimited by double quotes and separated by commas
    • Contains a header row, one or more enter/leave rows, and a trailer row