Student Data > Grades > CCI Student Summary

The page allows schools to analyze a high school student's likelihood of completing each measure and sub-measure of the California College/Career Readiness Indicators, based on coursework, standardized test scores, and State Seal of Biliteracy. The page displays the overall College, Career, and College/Career Status for each student in grades 9-12, along with each available measure based on the latest guidelines (October/November 2024).

If Aeries Analytics is enabled for the district, the student status is calculated overnight with an automatic process. Otherwise, the status is calculated and updated for each student individually when the page is loaded.

The Mass Update Student CCI Data page is available at the school level that updates the CCI statuses for all students in the school. A district level process is coming soon.

See CDE College Career Indicator for guidelines and further information.

See also:

The CCI Student Summary page is for information purposes only; data for CALPADS reporting is not extracted from this page.


  • On School Info > Configurations > District Settings:
    • Under Analytic Settings, set Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan.
      • If selected, the status for each measure is determined using course completion and planned data.
      • If not selected, the status for each measure is determined using the average credit completion per term for each grade level, then estimating whether a student can complete the remaining credits in the time left before completing grade 12.  See CDE College Career Indicator.
  • On Grade Reporting > Configurations > Transcript Definitions:

    • On the Terms tab, ensure that all defined term headings are mapped to common state term codes. The CCI analysis process uses transcript definitions from the student's most recent school enrollment record and converts the terms from transcripts (HIS), class schedule (SEC), and academic plan (APC) if enabled, to the common state term codes defined on the Terms tab.

  • On School Info > Imports and Exports > CALPADS Extracts:


  View overall status

The overall status is based on a combination of measures from high school graduation status, college, and career readiness.

See CDE College Career Indicator for guidelines and further information.

  1. Under College/Career Indicator, the student's overall status is displayed.

    When Displayed
    • Completed graduation requirements, and
    • Completed any one measure (college or career)
    When condition is met
    Approaching Prepared
    • At least one college or career measure is In Progress, and
    • High school graduation requirements are On Track
    • School is still in session
    Before end of senior year
    In Progress to Prepared
    • Student has not graduated (STU.HSG), and
    • Neither college or career are Complete or Partially Complete, and
    • At least one college or career indicator measure is In Progress, and
    • High school graduation requirements are On Track
    When condition is met
    Not Prepared
    • Student has graduated (STU.HSG), and 
    • Both college and career measures are not Complete, or
    • High school graduation status is Needs Attention

    Either college or career measure are not Complete OR Not On Track to completing high school graduation requirements (Graduation code is 360)
    Needs Attention
    • Student has not graduated, and
    • Neither college or career are Complete or Partially Complete or In Progress to Prepared, and 
      • At least one college or career measure is Needs Attention
    • School is still in session
    When condition is met
    Not Available
    • Both college and career measures have a status of Not Available
    When condition is met

    2. There are additional messages under the overall status that indicate whether the student is College Ready, Career Ready, and On Track to Graduate. The statuses are determined based on the status of each section. 

  • College Indicator:
    • College Ready
    • Not College Ready
    • College Not Available

  • Career Indicator:
    • Career Ready
    • Not Career Ready
    • Career Not Available

  • High School Graduation Indicator:
    • On Track to Graduate
    • Not On Track to Graduate

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  View high school graduation status

The High School Graduation status displays the credits required to fulfill the credits for the graduation track the student is assigned. 

The graduation status of this section is factored into the Overall College / Career status at the top of the page. If a student is identified as Not On Track to Graduate and has met the requirements for a College or Career indicator, then the overall college / career status will be display as Not Prepared.

  1. The overall High School Graduation status (HSG.CD) is displayed, which is based on information from the Graduation Status page.

    On Track

    Completed + Enrolled + Planned = Required for all subject areas

    Needs Attention

    Completed + Enrolled + Credits < Required for all subject areas

    GraduateStudent has met all requirements OR there is a graduation code (STU.HSG)
    • Graduate codes:  {"100", "104", "106", "108", "250", "330"}
    Not On TrackStudent has not meet graduation requirements

    NOTE: For students who do not have an academic plan, status is based on whether student has enough time to complete the remaining total credits (HSG.CUN for HSG.CD='TOTAL'), which is determined by looking at a typical (average) class (credit) load per semester per grade level and evaluating whether remaining credits can be completed in the remaining time.

  2. Under High School Graduation the following is displayed based on information on the Graduation Status page:

    RequiredTotal credits required for all subject areas (HSG.RQ)
    CompletedCredits previously earned, based on the courses in the student transcript (HSG.CM)
    EnrolledCredits in progress, based on courses in which the student is currently enrolled (HSG.CU)
    PlannedCredits planned according to the Academic Plan (HSG.PL)
    NeededCredits still needed after accounting for credits in currently scheduled courses, transcript, and the academic plan (HSG.CUN)


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  View college indicator measures

The College Indicator section provides information about a students progress toward completing CDE measures of a student's readiness for college.

  1. The overall College Indicator status is displayed in the top-right corner:

    See College/Career Indicator (CCI): Measures of College Readiness (PDF)

    • Student has graduated (Comp Status - Code field on Demographics = 100 Graduated) (STU.HSG), and
    • At least one college indicator measure is Complete:
      • UC/CSU
      • Smarter Balance
      • AP Exams 
      • IB Exams
      • College Credit 
      • State Seal of Biliteracy 
    Approaching Prepared
    • Student has graduated (STU.HSG), and
    • No college indicator measures are Complete, and
    • At least one college indicator measure is Partially Complete.
    In Progress to Prepared
    • Student has not graduated (STU.HSG is blank), and
    • None of the career indicator measures are Complete or Partially Complete, and
    • At least one college indicator measure is In Progress.
    Needs Attention
    • Student has not graduated (STU.HSG is blank), and
    • None of the career indicator measures are either Complete or Partially Complete, and
    • At least one career indicator measure Needs Attention.
    Not Available
    • All college indicator measures have a status of Not Available.

  2. Expand each measure to view specific measures for a section, or click the Expand All icon to expand all sections. The following is displayed for each section:


    See CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (UC/CSU) (CCI.MES)

    Smarter BalanceSee CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (Smarter Balance) (CCI.MBS)
    AP Exams
    See CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (AP Exam)(CCI.MDS)
    IB ExamsSee CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (IB Exam) (CCI.MHS)
    College CreditSee CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (College Credit) (CCI.MCS)
    State Seal of BiliteracySee CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (State Seal of Biliteracy) (CCI.MFS)

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  View career indicator measures

The Career Indicator section provides information about a students progress toward completing CDE measures of a student's readiness for career.

  1. The overall Career Indicator status is displayed in the top-right corner:

    See College/Career Indicator (CCI): Measures of Career Readiness (PDF).

    • Student has graduated (STU.HSG), and
    • At least one career indicator measure is Complete
      • Leadership/Military Science
      • CTE Pathway
      • Registered Pre-Apprenticeship
      • State and Federal Job Programs
      • Work Based Learning Exp.
    Approaching Prepared
    • Student has graduated (STU.HSG), and
    • No career indicator measures are Complete, and
    • At least one career indicator measure is Partially Complete.
    Not Prepared
    • Student has graduated (STU.HSG), and
    • None of the career indicator measures is either Complete or  Partially Complete.
    In Progress to Prepared
    • Student has not graduated (STU.HSG is blank), and
    • None of the career indicator measures is either Complete or Partially Complete, and
    • At least one career indicator measure is In Progress.
    Needs Attention
    • Student has not graduated (STU.HSG is blank), and
    • None of the career indicator measures is either Complete or Partially Complete, and
    • At least one career indicator measure Needs Attention.
    Not Available
    • All career indicator measures have status of “Not Available”

  2. Expand each measure to view specific measures for a section, or click the Expand All icon to expand all sections. The following is displayed for each section:

    Leadership/Military Science

    See CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (Leadership/Military Science) (CCI.MGS)

    CTE PathwaySee CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (CTE Pathway) (CCI.MAS)

    Registered Pre-Apprenticeship 

    See CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (Registered Pre-Apprenticeship)(CCI.MIS)
    State and Federal Job ProgramsSee CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (State and Federal Job Programs)(CCI.MJS)
    Work-Based Learning Exp.See CCI Indicator Summary - Measures (Work Based Learning Exp) (CCI.MKS)

Mass Update Student CCI Data

The Mass Update Student CCI Data page is available at the school level. The process will update the overall status for each student based on the college and career measure requirements. This is separate functionality from the Aeries Analytics nightly process.

NOTE: A district level page to process the CCI statuses for multiple schools is coming soon.

From Student Data > Grades > Mass Update Student CCI Data

1. Prior to running the Process College Career Preparedness, the High School Graduation status and UC-CSU Eligibility status should be updates using the link that will open the Graduation/College Readiness Dashboard page.

2. After the Graduation/College Readiness process is complete, the Process College Career Preparedness can be run.

  • When the process begins, the page button will be disabled to prevent other users from running the process simultaneously. 
  • When the page is refreshed or opened while the process is running, a yellow information box will display a message indicating that the process is currently running.
  • Once the process completes, the user will receive a completion email and the page will display a green message with the date/time of when the process was last started and when the process was last run.

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Aeries Analytics

In Aeries Analytics > Item Definitions, it is helpful to set up CCI indicators so that the indicator name corresponds to the measure name. For example, Measure A can be named UC/CSU, Measure B can be named Smarter Balance (SBAC), and so on.

Any existing CCI measures can be renamed as needed. Updates to any College or Career indicator names on the CCI Student Indicator page will not automatically update the indicator names for each Item Definitions.

NOTE: Aeries Analytics is an add-on feature of Aeries but it is not required in order to access or update the CCI Student Summary page.

From Aeries Analytics > Configs/Functions > Item Definitions:

  1. Click Add Indicator from the indicator menu. 
  2. Or, select an existing CCI Measure from the indicator menu.
  3. On the Definition page: Measure drop down will display the current names of the latest measures.
    • Type - Select CCI
    • Measure - Select the appropriate measure
      • Available measures are: 
        • UC / CSU
        • Smarter Balance 
        • AP Exams  
        • IB Exams     
        • College Credit
        • State Seal of Biliteracy
        • Leadership/Military Science
        • CTE Pathway
        • Registered Pre-Apprenticeship
        • State and Federal Job Programs
        • Work Based Learning Exp.   
        • Overall College / Career
        • Overall College
        • Overall Career

  4. Click Save to save the definition.
  5. Under Indicator Thresholds click Edit.
  6. Add the available status code that will update the indicator statuses when you process the indicators.
    • Available statuses are:
      • PREP - Prepared
      • NOPREP - Not Prepared
      • TOPREP - In Progress to Prepared
      • APPR - Approaching
      • RISK - At Risk
      • NA - Not Available

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Tables & Security

CA College and Career Indicator (CCI)Read

Mass Update
View the CCI Student Summary page
View and run the Mass Update Student CCI Data process
Career Pathways (CPW)ReadOpen the Career Pathways page using the embedded link on the CCI page
College Entrance Tests (CTS)
ReadOpen the College Entrance Tests page using the embedded link on the CCI page
Internships (ISP)ReadOpen the Internships page using the embedded link on the CCI page
 Test Scores (TST)ReadOpen the Test Scores page using the embedded link on the CCI page

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