The following measures are used to populate statuses on the CCI Student Summary page. See CCI Student Summary.



Based on information from the College Entrance Req's page (CER), which is calculated according to known rules and data from the student transcript (HIS), current class schedule (SEC), and Academic Plan (APC) records. The information is recalculated for the student each time the College Entrance Req's page is loaded. 

College Credit courses are based on courses where Crs Lvl on the Courses page > Other tab is set to 24-Dual Credit.

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student completed UC or CSU requirements.
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student completed fewer than 2 quarters of College Credit courses.
In Progress

Depends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settings page:

  • If not enabled, student has at least 1 quarter of a College Credit course (2.5) on the Transcript (HIS) and in their schedule (SEC) with sufficient time to take 1 more. 
  • If enabled, student has at least 3 quarters of a College Credit course (7.5) total when credits on the Transcript (HIS), in their schedule (SEC), and on the Academic Plan (APC) are combined.
Needs Attention

Depends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settings page:

  • If not enabled, student has at least 1 quarter of a College Credit course (2.5) on the Transcript (HIS) and in their schedule (SEC) but insufficient time (in grade 12) to take more credits. 
  • If enabled, student is short on scheduled College Credit courses in the Academic Plan.
Needs Attention
Not Available

Not enough data available to determine status

In ProgressNot used for this rule

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Smarter Balance (SBAC)

Based on records entered on Test Scores page where:

  • Test ID (TST.ID) = SBAC, and 
  • Part(TST.PT) = 
    • 1 (English/Language Arts / Literacy (ELA)) or
    • 2 (Mathematics)
  • Prf Level (TST.PL) = 3 "Standard Met" or higher

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student met standards on both tests (Perf Lvl score of 3).
  • Student has taken 1 or both tests, and 
  • The scores are available but did not meet the requirements.
Not Available
  • Student does not have any SBAC test data.
Incomplete - If student has graduated (i.e., Comp Status - Code field on Demographics = Graduated) (STU.HSG)
In ProgressNot used for this rule
Needs AttentionNot used for this rule

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AP Exam

Based on records entered on College Entrance Tests page > AP tab where:

  • Test Name (CTS.NM) = AP
  • Test (CTS.ST1) = not blank
  • Score (CTS.SC1) > 2

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student received score 3 or higher on two tests.
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student has taken 1 or more tests, and 
  • One or more scores are available, but 
  • Student received score below 4.
In Progress
  • Student received score 3 or higher on only 1 AP exam
Incomplete - If student has graduated (i.e., Comp Status - Code field on Demographics = Graduated) (STU.HSG)
Not Available
  • Student has no AP test data, or
  • Student took 1 or 2 tests and did not pass either.
Not Available
Needs AttentionNot used for this rule

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IB Exam

Based on records entered on College Entrance Tests page > IB tab where:

  • Test Name (CTS.NM) = IB
  • Test (CTS.ST1) = not blank
  • Score (CTS.SC1) > 3

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student received score 4 or higher on two tests.
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student has taken 1 or more tests, and 
  • One or more scores are available, but 
  • Student received score below 5.
In Progress
  • Student received score 4 or higher on only 1 AP exam.
Incomplete - If student has graduated (i.e., Comp Status - Code field on Demographics = Graduated) (STU.HSG)
Not Available
  • Student has no IB test data, or
  • Student took 1 or 2 tests and did not pass either.
Not Available
Needs AttentionNot used for this rule

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College Credit

Based on courses taken by the student, or scheduled for the student, where Crs Lvl on the Courses page > Other tab is set to 24-Dual Credit.

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student completed at least 2 semesters, or 3 quarters, or 3 trimesters of College Credit courses.
Partially Complete
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student completed 1 semester, or 2 quarters, or 2 trimesters of College Credit courses with a grade of C- or better in academic/CTE subjects. 
Partially Complete
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student completed fewer than 2 quarters of College Credit courses.
In Progress

Depends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settings page:

  • If not enabled, student has at least 1 quarter College Credit courses (2.5) on the Transcript (HIS) and in their schedule (SEC), and has enough time to take 1 more course.
  • If enabled, student has at least 3 quarters College Credit courses (7.5) total when credits in Transcript (HIS), in their schedule (SEC), and in their Academic Plan (APC) are combined.
Incomplete - If student has graduated (i.e., Comp Status - Code field on Demographics = Graduated) (STU.HSG)
Needs Attention

Depends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settings page:

  • If not enabled, student has at least 1 quarter College Credit courses (2.5) in the Transcript (HIS) and in their schedule (SEC) with insufficient time (in grade 12) to take more credits. 
  • If enabled, student is short on scheduled credits in the Academic Plan (APC).

Incomplete - If student has graduated (i.e., Comp Status - Code field on Demographics = Graduated) (STU.HSG)

Needs Attention - If student is below grade 12

Not Available

Depends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settings page:

  • If not enabled, student currently does not have any College Credit courses in the transcript (HIS) or in their current schedule (SEC).
  • If enabled, student currently does not have any College Credit courses in transcript (HIS) or in their current schedule (SEC), or in their Academic Plan (APC).
Not Available

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State Seal of Biliteracy

Based on a record entered for the student on Activities and Awards where:

  • Type (ACT.TY) = Award
  • Code (ACT.CD) = State Seal of Biliteracy

Also based on records entered on Test Scores page where:

  • Test ID (TST.ID) = SBAC, and 
  • Part (TST.PT) = 1 (English/Language Arts / Literacy (ELA))
  • Prf Level (TST.PL) = 3 "Standard Met" or higher

See Overview for State Seal of Biliteracy.

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student received State Seal of Biliteracy, and 
  • Student met standard on English/Language Arts / Literacy (ELA) (Perf Lvl score of 3).
  • Student has not received State Seal of Biliteracy, or 
  • Student has not met standard on English/Language Arts / Literacy (ELA) (Perf Lvl score of 3).
Not Available
  • State Seal of Biliteracy status  is Not Available, or
  • SBAC status is Not Available
Not Available
In ProgressNot used for this rule
Needs AttentionNot used for this rule

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Leadership/Military Science

Based on courses taken by the student, or scheduled for the student, where State Course Code (CRS.C3) on the Courses page > California Specific Fields tab is set to:

  • 9373-Leadership/Military Science, or 
  • 9374-Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC)

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student completed 2 years of Leadership/Military Science courses.
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student has completed fewer than 2 years of Leadership/Military Science courses.
In Progress

Depends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settings page:

  • If not enabled, student has completed or is currently enrolled at least 1 (semester) of a Leadership/Military Science course with sufficient time to take 1 more.
  • If enabled, student has either completed or is currently enrolled in at least 1 (semester) a Leadership/Military Science course and has planned credits in their Academic Plan (APC).
Needs Attention

Depends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settings page:

  • If not enabled, student has at least 1 quarter credit (2.5) for a Leadership/Military Science course in the Transcript (HIS) and in their schedule (SEC) with insufficient time (in grade 12) to take more credits. 
  • If enabled, student is short on scheduled credits in the Academic Plan (APC).
Not AvailableDepends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settingspage:
  • If not enabled, student currently does not have any Leadership/Military Science courses in the transcript (HIS) or in their current schedule (SEC).
  • If enabled, student currently does not have any Leadership/Military Science courses in transcript (HIS) or in their current schedule (SEC), or in their Academic Plan (APC).
Not Available

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Career Pathway

Based on records entered on the student's Career Pathways page according to the Course Career Pathways course Level (CCP.LVL).  See Career Pathways Management.

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student completed a CTE Pathway (CCP.LVL=3), and
  • Student met the SBAC requirement, or 
  • Student completed 1 semester or 2 quarters of College Credit courses.
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student did not complete a CTE Pathway
In Progress

Depends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settings page:

  • If not enabled, student has either completed or is currently enrolled at least 1 (semester) of a CTE Pathway course (CCP.LVL=1 or 2) with enough time to take 1 more. 
  • If enabled, student has completed or is currently enrolled in at least 1 (semester) of a CTE Pathway course, and has planned credits in the Academic Plan (APC).
In Progress To Prepared- If prior to grade 12


Incomplete - If student has graduated or is in final term of grade 12

Needs AttentionDepends on setting of Calculate course completion statuses in CCI Screen using academic plan on District Settingspage:
  • If not enabled, student has either completed or is currently enrolled at least 1 (semester) of a CTE Pathway course (CCP.LVL=1 or 2) with insufficient time to take 1 more. 
  • If enabled, ...
Not Available
  • Student does not have a CTE Pathway assigned.
Not Available

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Registered Pre-Apprenticeship

Based on records entered on the Internships page where Work-Based Learning Type is set to Registered Pre-Apprenticeship (ISP.WT=25).

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student has a qualifying Internship record.
Not Available
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student does not have a qualifying Internship record.
IncompleteNot used for this rule
In ProgressNot used for this rule
Needs AttentionNot used for this rule

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State and Federal Job Programs

Based on records entered on the Internships page where Work-Based Learning Type is set to:

  • Job Corps (ISP.WT = 35), or
  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) (ISP.WT = 40), or
  • YouthBuild (ISP.WT = 45), or
  • California Conservation Corp (ISP.WT = 50)

Also based on courses completed by the student where State Course Code (CRS.C3) on the Courses page > California Specific Fields tab is set to a code between 7000-8999 (CTE).

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student has a qualifying Internship record, and
  • Student has completed 1 semester, or 2 quarters, or 2 trimesters of a CTE course.
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student does not have a qualifying Internship record.
Not Available
  • Student does not have a qualifying Internship record.
In ProgressNot used for this rule
Needs AttentionNot used for this rule

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Work Based Learning Exp

Based on records entered on the Internships page where:

  • Work-Based Learning Type is set to
    • Transition Work-Based Experience (ISP.WT = 60), or
    • Transition Classroom-Based Work Exploration (ISP.WT = 65), and 
  • Total External Hours Completed (ISP.TXH) > = 100 hours

Also based on courses completed by the student where State Course Code (CRS.C3) on the Courses page > California Specific Fields tab is set to a code between 7000-8999 (CTE).

StatusRequirementOverall Status
  • Student has a qualifying Internship record with Total External Hours Completed set to 100 or more hours, and 
  • Student completed at least 4 semesters, or 8 quarters of CTE Credits (20 or more credits)

A CTE Pathway record is not required.

  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student does not have a qualifying Internship record.
In Progress
  • Student has graduated, or
  • Student is in last term of grade 12, and
  • Student has a qualifying Internship record with Total External Hours Completed between 1-99 hours.
Not Available
  • Student does not have a qualifying internship record, or
  • Student has an internship record with Total External Hours Completed set to 0 hours.
Not Available
Needs AttentionNot used for this rule

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