Using Query to Identify Absence Rates for Specific Groups of Students
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Navigate to Reports > Attendance Percentages by Teacher Report.
The report is designed to provide the teacher's Attendance Percentage for their classes/sections to indicate the percentage of students absent and present in each of their classes. An overall summary of the report totals are included on the last page of the report that will provide the % Absent and % Present for all classes/sections included in the report, indicating overall school attendance percentage rates. The report can be run for a specific date range and is available from any school. This report is not available in the District. Admin, users and teachers can print the report with the appropriate permissions. A query KEEP or SKIP statement can be utilized when printing this report to obtain an attendance percentage for a specific group of students, i.e. a specific grade level or a group of students in a program.
Security ↑
Table | Permission | Description |
Attendance (ATT) | Read | To print the report |
Report Options ↑
The report options will depend on the type of school the report is being printed for.
- Start Date and End Date - A Start Date and End Date can be entered to indicate a time frame for calculating the absences.
- Absence Codes to Summarize - The Absence Codes to Summarize section will include all codes from the Absence Code table (ABS) and will default the Print checkmark as pre-selected if the absence code in Update Absence Codes (ABS) table is set to Print on Reports. Codes that count for ADA will be considered Present. Codes that do not count for ADA will be considered Absent.
- Page Break by Teacher - The Page Break by Teacher option can be used to separate the report by teacher. This option is not available in a pure elementary school types or when printed by a teacher from the Teacher Portal and will be hidden.
- Sections to Print - The Sections to Print will allow for multiple filter selections. This section will include all staff associated to the school. When printed by a teacher account, only the logged in teacher's classes will display. This section does not display for elementary schools.
Absence Codes ↑
Absence Codes default based on the school's settings in the Update Absence Codes (ABS) table. A code can be set to default as pre-selected by enabling the setting Print on Reports in the ABS table for the desired absence code. If a code is not currently pre-selected when the Report Options window is opened, navigate to the Update Absence Codes page and enable the setting. See Set Up Absence Codes for details.
Setting the default in the Absence Codes table will eliminate the need to always have to remember to select a code, such as G-Temporarily Not Enrolled or P-Present.
Temporarily Not Enrolled is used when a student has been identified as being temporarily not enrolled in school for a short period of time without needing to drop the student from classes. In order to accurately display the data in this column, the code identified as Temporarily Not Enrolled must be properly set up in Update Absence Codes table and included in the selection under Absence Codes to Summarize on the Report Options window.
In positive attendance schools, the P-Present code is used and will need to be selected in order to generate accurate data on the report.
NOTE: The Temporarily Not Enrolled column is not used in TX and will be hidden on the report.
Days Absent = Any code that has "Count for ADA" unselected in the Absence code table will be counted as Days Absent
Days Present = Any code that has "Count for ADA" selected in the Absence code table will be counted as Days Present
Report Data ↑
In order for the report to generate successfully, the school must have Attendance activated in the ATT table. Otherwise, an error will occurr.
The report has columns to include information from each Teacher's class based on the Attendance Enrollment for the student and the student's absences from ATT or CAT tables.
The report will contain the Start Date and End Date entered on the Report Options. These dates will be used to limit the attendance data to this date range when calculating % Present and % Absent. The report may take a long time to process and is not recommended to run for the entire year unless necessary.
The report will automatically sort by Teacher and period. The columns on the report include: Section, Term, Period, Course ID, Course Title, Class Calendar (Days Meet), Days Enrolled, Days Absent, Days Present, Temporarily Not Enrolled (except in TX), % Present and % Absent.
Each teacher's section will Report totals that gives a total summary for Days Enrolled, Days Absent, Days Present, Temporarily Not Enrolled, % Present and % Absent. The overall Report Totals will be calculated at the end of the report on the final page. If the Page Break on Teacher is selected, the overall school Report Totals will display on its own page.
Using Query to Identify Absence Rates for Specific Groups of Students ↑
The Report honors KEEP and SKIP query statements. Listed below are some suggestions for running the Attendance Percentage by Teacher report for various scenarios. Query can be used to keep a certain grade level or special program. Then navigate to the report to run the report for the desired date ranges.
To keep students in a certain grade level:
To keep students in LEP program
To keep students in a certain program:
KEEP STU PGM IF PGM.CD = ## AND PGM.ESD > 07/01/20##
Extended fields can be used to capture students from Aeries Analytics Data prior to generating the report
See Extended Student Fields for ways to Query keep certain students, such as socio economically disadvantaged, Homeless or Foster students.
To keep students enrolled in Independent Study (IS) program:
KEEP STU IF SP = I (enter schools independent study program code if tagged in STU.SP)
If the school is using the defined Independent Study tags in ABS, the Report Options could include only the IS codes used by the school, i.e. N, Q, and G to include data in the Temporarily Not Enrolled column.
Scenario and breakdown of report data:
Two students are enrolled in Independent Study program.
- Student A was marked with N (incomplete) for 2 days and Q (complete) for 1 day.
- Student B was marked with Q (complete) for 3 days.
Start Date and End Dates = 8/20/2024 - 8/22/2024
Absence codes to include: G, N and Q since these codes are used in the Independent Study program or school
Results on report:
Days Enrolled = (3 days x 2 students) = 6 days
Days Absent = 2 (N-incomplete) codes in period 6 for section 6089 between 8/20-8/22
Days Present = 4 (Q-complete) codes in period 6 for section 6089 between 8/20-8/22
% Present = 66.67
% Absent = 33.33
Other ways that users can utilize this report is to run it on a regular occurrance. For example, running it on a monthly basis by setting the Start Date and End Date to the appropriate dates as desired.
The example provides the absence rate for the month of July for the Kinder class and the overall % Present and % Absent for the school during the month of July.
Continue Report Process on a new Tab ↑
NOTE: In the event that the report is taking a long time to generate, selecting Continue button will move the process to a new tab allowing the process to continue to run so the user can close the original report page and move on to other tasks while waiting.
Once complete, the user can open the report from the 2nd tab once it's ready.