When using Flex Scheduling for a Daily Attendance school, here are things to check when the Primary Teacher does not appear on the Student Demographics page
1. School Options
- Track Primary Classes for Students needs to be set to Yes
- If set to No, change to YES
- Log out of Aeries, then log back in to Aeries
- The Primary Class field will now appear in all Master Schedule Sections and needs to be selected where applicable
- Query CHANGE can be used to change Primary Class (MST.PC) to True
- Sample Query: CHANGE MST PC TO 1 - This sample query is only applicable if ALL Sections need to be marked as Primary Classes
2. Master Schedule Sections
- If School Options > Track Primary Classes for Students was already set to yes, still check that applicable Master Schedule Sections are set to Primary Class (MST.PC) = True
Each student must have one class that is a Primary Class
3. Term Dates
- Check Term Start/End Dates for accuracy