School Info > Configurations > Update Global Messages

The Update Global Messages page allows schools and districts to create messages that are displayed to users on their homepage when they log in, such as a welcome message, announcement, or due date.

Messages created at the school level are displayed only to users at that school. Messages created at the district level are displayed to users regardless of the school they are logged into. Each message indicates whether it is a district or school message.

  • Each message can be designated for a specific user type (teacher, parent, student, or user/admin).
  • Users do not need any particular permission to view the message. A user will see any messages targeted to their user type (parent, teacher, student, or all users).
  • Messages are displayed in order from newest to oldest. The space available on the homepage allows the three latest messages to be visible. The user can scroll to view any additional messages.
  • A message can have an expiration date. 


If you are logged in at the school level, the School Global Messages heading is displayed. Messages will be displayed to all users logged at that school.

If you are logged in at the district level, the District Global Messages heading is displayed. Messages will be displayed to all users in the district.

  Add or edit a message

  1. Click Add New Record, or click the Edit icon to edit an existing message.

    The message fields are displayed.

  2. Enter or update the following:

    Title(Required) Enter the title of the message, which will be displayed above the message.
    Expiration Date(Optional) Enter the date on which the message expires.

    After this date the message will no longer be displayed. 

    If blank, the message will not expire and will remain displayed to designated users until it is deleted.
    Show ToSelect one or more user types who will see the message:
    • Teachers - Teachers will see the message
    • Parents - Parents will see the message
    • Students - Students will see the message
    • Users/Administrators - Any Aeries user who is not a teacher, parent, or student will see the message, including admin users.
    MessageEnter the message using the available formatting tools.

     Advanced formatting in HTML code view is available by clicking the View HTML icon in the formatting toolbar.

  3. Click the Save icon.
  4. Or, click the Cancel icon to revert to the previously saved message.

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  Delete a message 

NOTE: Expired messages are not automatically deleted, but they are not displayed to users once the expiration date has passed.

  1. Click the Edit icon for the message you wish to delete. The message is displayed.

  2. Click the Delete icon.

  3. You are prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the message. Click OK.

Tables & Security

Update Global Messages (WGM)InsertAdd a global message
UpdateUpdate a global message
DeleteDelete a global message

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