Grade Reporting


Grade Reporting

The following Grade Reporting tasks should be done at the beginning of the school year.

See also:

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Assign graduation tracks to students.

  • Include CTE completion of a career pathway (if enabled on Grade Reporting > Configurations > Graduation Requirements).

Student Data > Grades > Graduation Status

Graduation Requirements

Career Pathways Graduation Requirements

Review, revise, and create student academic plans as needed.

Student Data > Scheduling > Academic Plan

Academic Plan

If using standards-based grading, assign report cards to students.

Standards Based Grades > Standards Based Input

Assigning Students a Report Card Type


The following Gradebook tasks should be done at the beginning of the school year.

See also:

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Create teacher Gradebooks using one of the following:

  • Mass create them for the school.
  • Click Mass Add Gradebooks to add multiple gradebooks at once.
  • Click Add Gradebook to create an individual Gradebook.
  • Click Copy Gradebook to make a copy of an existing Gradebook.


  • Indicate if teachers are required to use Gradebook Templates on Portal Management > Portal Options > Gradebook.
  • If using standards-based grading (elementary or secondary), the gradebooks must be a Rubric gradebook.

School Info > Functions > Mass Create Gradebooks

School Info > Functions > Mass Copy Gradebooks

Aeries Gradebook > Manage

Gradebook Quick Start Guide Overview

Gradebook Quick Start Guide Building Gradebooks

Add and Mass Add Gradebooks

Admin Mass Copy Gradebooks

Copy Gradebook

Edit Gradebook

Multi School Gradebook

Mass Create Gradebooks

Standards Based Progress Dashboard Display Requirements

Flex Scheduling - Gradebook

Gradebook Templates

Gradebook Quick Start Guide Teacher Resources

Gradebook Quick Start Guide Overview

Gradebook Overview

Gradebook Documentation

Link the gradebooks.

Aeries Gradebook > Configuration (Link Gradebooks button)

Link Gradebooks

Gradebook Quick Start Guide Building Gradebooks>

Flex Scheduling - Gradebook

Associate each Gradebook with one or more sections.


  • The Info field displays grade levels established on School Info > Teachers. If 0, the Info field displays KG.

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Edit Gradebook

Edit Gradebook

Flex Scheduling - Gradebook

Create categories, and assign weights to the categories.


  • Categories must be created before adding assignments.
  • Categories and weights can be locked on Portal Management > Portal Options > Gradebook.

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Categories

Gradebook - Add Categories

Flex Scheduling - Gradebook

Configure grading rules for each category.


  • Rules allow the lowest score(s) to be dropped/replaced.
  • The ability to use the Rules page is set on Portal Management > Portal Options > Gradebook.
  • Rules can be locked on Portal Management > Portal Options > Gradebook.

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Rules

Gradebook - Grading Rules

Flex Scheduling - Gradebook

Add assignments to the categories.


  • If using standards-based grading (elementary or secondary), the assignments must be a Rubric and summative.

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Assignments (Add Assignment)

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Assignments

Add Gradebook Assignments

Flex Scheduling - Gradebook

Gradebook Quick Start Guide Assignments

Import/Push Assignments From/To Another Gradebook

Push Assignment to Other Gradebooks

Import Assignments from Another Gradebook

Gradebook - Edit Assignments

Add students to the Gradebook.


  • Teachers can be allowed/prevented from importing any student in their defined Grade Range into their Gradebook on Portal Management > Portal Options > Gradebook.
  • Teachers can be allowed/prevented from adding students to Gradebook before attendance is initialized on Portal Management > Portal Options > Gradebook.

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Manage Students

Gradebook - Add Students

Flex Scheduling - Gradebook

Gradebook - Manage Students

Teachers can transfer students who have moved between classes with the same teacher and course (linked gradebooks only).

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Manage Students (Action = Transfer)

Gradebook - Transfer Scores

Teachers can define a default transfer grade or score to use when transferring a student into their gradebook.

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Manage Students

Gradebook - Transfer Grades

Gradebook - Transfer Scores

Teachers can further manage grading aspects.

  • Final Marks
  • Narrative Grades

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Final Marks

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Narrative Grades

Gradebook - Final Marks

Gradebook - Narrative Grading

Teachers can create templates and make a gradebook available to other schools with overlapping grade ranges.

Aeries Gradebook > Configuration (Multi-School Template)

Gradebook Templates

Delete a gradebook if necessary.

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Edit Gradebook

Delete Gradebook