At the top of all Aeries pages, the Aeries header provides access to several features.


  Expand/collapse the navigation menu

The left-side navigation menu can be expanded or collapsed. Collapsing the menu provides more space for the Aeries page you are viewing.

See Navigation & Favorites.

When expanded, both the menu icon and text are displayed. 

  1. Click the Close icon in the top-left corner to collapse the menu.

    When collapsed, only the menu icons are displayed, but you can click anywhere in the navigation menu to view both the menu text and icons.

  2. Click the Menu icon in the top-left corner to expand the menu.

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  Return to the homepage

  1. Click the Aeries logo to return to the home page from any page in Aeries.

  Change School Year

The school year you are currently logged into is displayed in the header.

  1. From the school year drop-down menu, select another school year.

  2. The school year and icon are displayed in red text when you are logged into a prior school year.

  Change School

The school you are currently logged into is displayed in the header.

  1. From the school drop-down menu, select another school.

  2. The menu includes all schools you have permission to view. The school number is displayed in parentheses.

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  Search for a student

The Student Search feature is available in the header from all pages in Aeries. 

You can use the search box in the header to begin a simple search, or you can click the Search icon to open the Student Search window and access all search features.

A multi-student search and district-wide student Lookup page are also available, depending on your permission settings.

See Student Search.

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  Open the Resource Hub

The Resource Hub provides easy access to all Aeries support resources.


  1. Click the Resource Hub icon to open the Resource Hub.
  2. Select any item from the Resource Hub. The resource opens according to your browser settings.
    See Resource Hub.

  Open the Aeries Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base is the library of documentation and videos designed to assist you in learning and understanding Aeries features.

  1. Click the Online Help icon to view the Help topic related to the specific page you are viewing.

    The Help topic opens in a new tab or window according to your browser settings.

  2. From any Help topic you can use a variety of navigation and search features to refine or further your search.

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  Open the Table.Field Knowledge Base

The Table.Field Knowledge Base maps all fields on each Aeries page to the Aeries table and field where the data is stored in the Aeries database. This information is necessary when using the Aeries Query feature and can assist in determining the source of specific information.

Table and field information is displayed in the format TTT.CC, where: 

  • TTT is the three-character table name
  • CC is two- or three-character field name

Example: STU.BD is the Birthdate field (BD) in the Student Data table (STU).

There are two ways the information is displayed: Overlay and Screenshot.


The Overlay view displays the current with table.field information in place of the field values.

The overlay is available on some pages.

  1. Click the Overlay icon to toggle to the overlay view.

    The page reloads with table.field information in place of the field values.

  2. Click the icon again to return to the data view.


The screenshot view opens a new page which displays a screenshot showing table.field information.

The screenshot is available on some pages.

  1. Click the Database icon to view a Help topic which provides table.field information for the specific page you are viewing.

    The Help topic opens in a new tab or window according to your browser settings.

    The Help topic provides a screenshot showing tables and fields for each field label.

  2. From any Help topic you can use a variety of navigation and search features to refine or further your search.

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  Open the User Menu

The User Menu allows you to update certain Aeries-wide settings for your account, manage your password, and log out of Aeries. 

See User Menu & Account Settings.

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