The No Show Manager is designed to assist users with three start of school year functions and will display a list of students who have absences at the start of the school year.

  1. Update a student's enrollment to start on the first day of attendance for students who are absent at the beginning of the school year. 
  2. Change the enrollment status to "No Show" for students who enroll in a school but do not show up to attend classes in that school when the school year begins. 
  3. Mark students as Leavers or movers for state reporting.

The No Show Manager page can be found under Attendance Accounting -> No Show Manager in the Navigation menu.


Security for the No Show Manager page is set by giving users Administer rights to the No Show Manager page. The security setting is found under Other Student Data on the Permissions page for the user.

No Show Setup Page

The No Show Manager works with the No Show Setup Page. The options set on the No Show Setup page will default on the No Show Manager page.  Options that are not set on the No Show Setup page can be edited on the No Show Manager page. Please refer to the No Show Setup page documentation for additional information.

No Show Manager Student Results

The No Show Manager page displays a listing of students who are enrolled and have been marked absent the first day they are enrolled.  The student listing displays the Student ID, Student Name, Gender, Grade, the Student Enrollment Date, and the Student Absence code. The listing of students is the same in both the Filters tab and the Functions tab.  The Student Data listing can be sorted by ID, Name, Gender, Grade, Enrollment Date and Attendance Status by clicking on each column header.

In the following example the student listing has been sorted by grade level in descending order.

Filters Tab

The Filters tab has several options for filtering student information.  Students may be filtered by:

  • Absent First Day of Enrollment - this is the default filter and includes all students enrolled with an absence code entered in the All Day code their first enrolled day on the Attendance page. Only Absence codes on the Update Absence Codes page with Type of Attendance set to Unverified, Excused, or Unexcused absences (ABS.TY = 1,2 or 3) are included.
  • All Active Students  - Students with an Status Tag = Active are listed.  The Enrollment Date and Attendance Status only displays for students who have an attendance code, regardless of type, entered in the All Day Code on their first enrolled day on the Attendance page.
  • Marked as "No Show' - Students with a  Status Tag = No Show are listed.  The status code defined on the No Show Setup page is used. We recommend using N for No Show.

    Students may be further filtered by Grade, Absence code(s) and Enrollment Date range. The Reset button on the Filters and Options header clears all filter options and resets back to the default filter of Absent First Day of Enrollment.

In the following example, the filter has been set to display All Active Students in 11th grade with absence codes (on their first day of enrollment) of Religious or Unexcused.  Click the Reset button to clear the filtered student results.

Results Header

The blue Results header has two options to assist users working with the listed student records: Select All Displayed and Keep Selected. The Select All Displayed option will select all student records displayed on the current page. Students can also be individually selected from the student listing.  The blue Results Header will display the number of students that have been selected. The Keep Selected button will keep the selected students and give you access to only those student records on other pages in Aeries Web.

In the following example one student has been selected. Clicking on the Keep Selected button will keep the student and give you access to only that student's records on other pages in Aeries.

Functions Tab

The Functions tab contains the functions that will assist users with marking selected students as No Shows, Leavers or Movers, and updating enrollment for students who were absent at the start of school. 

The functions available on this tab should only be run at the start of the school year. Running the Update Enrollment to Start on First Day of Attendance, Mark Selected Students as No Shows, and the Mark Selected Students as Leavers /Movers functions will delete and/or update enrollment, attendance data, course attendance, course requests, gradebook information and program start dates.  

Update Enrollment to Start on First Day of Attendance function

The Update Enrollment to Start on First Day of Attendance function will:

  • Update a student’s enrollment date to start on the first day of attendance.
    If a student was enrolled to start on July 1, 2019 and was absent on that day but then present on July 2, 2019 the function will change the student’s enrollment start day to July 2, 2019. This process will not set start dates into the future.

  • Update program start dates for that school on the following pages to reflect the updated Student enrollment date.
    These start dates will only update if they are the same as the original enrollment date and the leave date is not before the new enter date. No start dates prior to this date will be changed.
  • Free and Reduced (FRE)
  • Gifted and Talented (GTE) 
  • Language Assessment (LAC)  
  • Special Programs (PGM)
  • Special Ed (CSE)
  • Section 504 (FOF)  

NOTE: The first day of attendance is considered the first day the student is present.  Any absence code marked on the Update Absence Codes page with the type "Verified NOT ABSENT" (ABS.TY = 4) will be considered present.

Districts should NOT use any of these absence codes on the first day of school if they are not considered present. For example, College Day, Religious, or Play Taps absences are considered Verified NOT ABSENT for ADA but they cannot be used on the first day of the students enrollment. In these cases, leave the student marked absent & run the Update Enrollment to Start on First Day of Attendance function and the students enrollment start date will be set to their first day they are present.

To run the Update Enrollment to Start on First Day of Attendance function filter students Absent First Day of Enrollment and click to select student(s) in the Results window or select all students by placing a check mark in the Select All Displayed option.

Note:  Typically you will use the Absent First Day of Enrollment filter to identify these students but you may also use the All Active Students filter and Absence Code filter to search for students.

Click the red Run button in the Update Enrollment to Start on First Day of Attendance section to start the process.

You will receive a confirmation message, click the Okay button to proceed.

You will receive a message informing you that the process is running.

When the process has completed an email will be sent with a report attached summarizing all changes that were made.

In the following example student 99402049 was enrolled to begin school on 7/1/2019 but was absent on that day.

The student also has two entries in the Special Programs page at this school with start dates of 7/1/2019.

After running the function the student's new enrollment date has been adjusted to 7/2/2019

The student's start date for both entries in the Special Programs page have been adjusted to 7/2/2019.

Mark Selected Students as No Shows function
The Mark Selected Students as No Shows function will mark selected students as No Shows. The options set in this function come from settings entered on the No Show Setup form. Options selected in the No Show Setup form will be defaulted on the No Show Manager page and cannot be deselected. Any item that is not already selected in the No Show Setup form can be selected or changed in the mark Selected Students as No Shows function.

To change a student's enrollment status to No Show, click to select student(s) in the Results window or select all students by placing a check mark in the Select All Displayed option.

Ensure that all desired options are set in the Mark Selected Students as No Shows function. Click the red Run button in the Mark Selected Students as No Shows function to start the process.

You will receive a confirmation message, click the Okay button to proceed.

You will receive a message informing you that the process is running.

 When the process has completed an email will be sent with a report attached summarizing all changes that were made.

In the following example the No Show function was run for student 9940250 Gina Praeger, her Student Demographic record now has her status set as a No Show.

Mark Selected Students as Leavers/Movers function
The Mark Selected Students as Leavers/Movers function will mark student(s) as a Leaver or Mover in the last year's school database and the current year student record will be moved to the Inactives School.  

To mark selected students as a Leaver or Mover, filter for students Marked as "No Show", click to select student(s) who have the same leaver or mover reason, select that Leaver/Mover Reason from the drop-down of fixed values,  Student Status (Usually I for Inactive), and the last day of attendance for the students (Usually the last day of school last year).  Additionally, the number of the Inactives School must be entered in the function window. Click the Run icon to run the process.
Once the process has run a verification e-mail will be sent confirming that the process ran successfully.

NOTE: If the student is already Inactive in last year's database, the student's information will NOT be updated with the Last Day or Leaver Reason specified in this function.

Note: The list of Leaver/Mover Reasons are fixed values and any new codes need to be added by Aeries to ensure Leavers are reported to PEIMS correctly. Leavers are determined using the TEDS Code Table C162-ExitWithdrawType.

The actions taken when the Mark Selected Students as Leavers/Movers are summarized below:

Demographics page (STU table)

SchoolYearStudent RecordSchl Leave Dt (STU.LD)Leaver Reason (STU.LVR)Enrollment Status (STU.TG)
Current Current Does not existN/AN/AN/A
Current PriorExistsValue enteredValue enteredInactive
Inactives CurrentExists*Value enteredValue enteredValue entered
InactivesPriorDoes not existN/AN/AN/A

NOTE: In order for Leaver information to PULL in the current year Fall PEIMS Student Enrollment Interchange – the student MUST be Inactive in the prior years DB with a Leave Date & Reason (STU.LD) & (STU.LVR). The Leaver reasons are determined by TEA.

Enrollment History page (ENR table)

SchoolYearStudent RecordLeave Date (ENR.LD)Exit Reason (ENR.ER)
CurrentCurrentDoes not existN/AN/A
CurrentPriorExistsValue enteredValue entered
InactivesCurrentExists*Value enteredValue entered
InactivesPriorDoes not existN/AN/A

To see a list of Leavers use the Leaver Manager page

A query can also be run to see a list of Leavers or Movers who were moved to the Inactives school. For example, the following query could be run from your Inactive s school to see a list of students who were moved after a specified date:


Since these students are inactive make sure to check the box to Include Inactive Students