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Navigate to Scheduling Process > Configurations > Scheduling Setup

Below are screenshots of the various options to set up for scheduling during the current school year for the next school year for the pages Student Scheduling (SSS) and Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) 

NOTE: The first step of any of the below processes, you must have Feature Flag turned on via a Freshdesk Support Ticket. Confirm Feature Flag has been set to Flex Scheduling via Freshdesk Ticket. School Options will still be at current school setting, Do not change school options!

Traditional Scheduling  --> Flex Scheduling

Settings for school using traditional scheduling (or current Flex) this year and converting (or using) to Flex Scheduling next year and school has decided not to copy Master Schedule (MST) to Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS), use these settings. This will blank out the Course Requests (SSS) and SMS. However course requests, same process as in past, can set up Class Calendars, and Flex Periods are still configured. After configurations start building sections.




Traditional Scheduling --> Flex Scheduling (Copying MST to SMS)

Settings for school using traditional scheduling in this school year, want to convert to Flex Scheduling, but want to copy their MST to SMS.

NOTE: Do not exit scheduling setup pages until all three steps completed

Step 1:


Step 2:


 Step 3:

Step 4: Once Step 3 completed, verify Flex Periods, Class Calendar, and begin building


Flex Scheduling --> Copy MST to SMS

Settings for school currently using Flex Scheduling, want to set up SMS but keep their existing Master Schedule. 

NOTE: Please note comment at bottom of page.