The Status Color Code Assignments page allows colors to be assigned to status tags for various record types. The colors appear on various pages where the status field (TG) for a particular table is displayed, including:

  • Demographics - The outline of the student banner and data fields reflects the color assigned to STU.TG.
  • Courses - The outline of the course data fields reflects the color assigned to CRS.TG.
  • Teachers - The outline of the teacher data fields reflects the color assigned to TCH.TG.
  • Master Schedule - The outline of the section data fields reflects the color assigned to MST.STG.
  • Scheduling Master - The outline of the section data fields reflects the color assigned to SMS.STG.

Although the colors can be assigned at the school level, any changes are applied districtwide. 


  • School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

    The available codes on the Status Color Code Assignments page correspond to the Status tags (TG) added in the Update Code Table page for the corresponding table. For example, STU.TG is the status tag for the Student Data table.

    A numerical value is stored in the Amount field for each color in the Code Table (COD.TG).


  Assign a color to a code

  1. On the right, select the table for which to update status code colors.

  2. On the left, click the row to select the status code for which to update the color. 

    The following information is displayed for each code:

    CodeThe code, as entered on Update Code Table for the status code field for the selected table
    • STU.TG
    • CRS.TG
    • TCH.TG
    • MST.STG
    • SMS.STG
    DescriptionThe description, as entered on Update Code Table for the status code field for the selected table

    The description can be updated from this page under Enter New Description for this Code. If updated from this page, the change is also reflected on Update Code Table, and vice versa.
    ActualThe count of records associated with the status code for the selected table

  3. Under Click to assign new color to this Code, click a color. 

    A check mark appears over the color to indicate that it is now assigned to the selected code. 

  4. (Optional) In Enter New Description for this Code, the Description of the code can be updated.

    If updated from this page, the change is also reflected on Update Code Table.
  5. There is no Save button. Changes are automatically saved.

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Tables & Security

Code Table (COD)Read View the Status Code Color Assignments page
Update Update the Status Code Color Assignments page
AdminView and update the Status Code Color Assignments page

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