Table of Contents
- Security
- Preparation
- Running Mass Update Graduation Status at District or at School Level
- Using KEEP or SKIP to Limit the Students
- Setup and Load Students
- Review Summary
- Review Students
Overview ↑
Navigate to School Info > Functions > Mass Update Graduation Status
The Mass Update Graduation Status page allows users to assess the graduation status for 12th grade students and then mass update the Graduation Status (STU.HSG), Graduation Date (STU.DG), the Leaver Reason (STU.LVR) and the Student Leave Date (STU.LD). The students' Enrollment records are also updated with the Exit Reason (ENR.ER) and the Leave Date (ENR.LD).
The Mass Update Graduation Status page will verify specific requirements that must be met in order for a 12th grade student to graduate. The page will display the number of students that have or have not met the requirements. From this tab, a Graduation Code and Graduation Date can be recorded for students who have met the Graduation Requirements and different Graduation Codes can be recorded for students who have not met the Graduation Requirements.
Security ↑
Table | Permission | Description |
Mass Update Graduation Status | Read Mass Update | View page Use the page to update records |
Preparation ↑
Navigate to Grade Reporting > Graduation Readiness Dashboard and click on the Calculate Graduation Status button for every school that will be included in the Mass Update Graduation Status process. Running the Calculate Graduation Status will ensure that every student's credit completion information is up-to-date in the Graduation Status (HSG) table. an email will be sent when the Calculate Graduation Status has finished updating the HSG table and a notification under the button will display the date and time that the process was last run. For more information please see Graduation College Readiness Dashboard.
Running Mass Update Graduation Status at District or at School Level ↑
The Mass Update Graduation Status process can be run for one school at the school level, or for a group of schools from the district level. Schools are chosen in the School Selection tab. When a user is logged into a school, that school will be checked and other schools cannot be selected. When a user is logged in at the district level, all displayed schools are available to be selected.
At the district level, the All, None, Save, and Default buttons are available:
- The All button will select all schools in the list.
- The None button will de-select all schools in the list.
- The Save button will save the selected schools for use during the Mass Update Graduation Status process.
- The Default button will select the default group of schools in the district: regular session schools with a 12th grade that are not tagged as Do Not Report (on School Options).
Click on the Save button after selecting the school(s) that will be processed.
Mass Update Graduation Status options are saved to the Options (OPT) table. Options saved at the district level (OPT.SC = 0) will be applied to all schools selected on the School Selection tab when the process is run. Options saved at a school level will apply only when the process is run in that school.
Using KEEP or SKIP to Limit the Students ↑
A KEEP or SKIP query can be run in Query to limit to a specific group of students before updating their Graduation Status. Once the KEEP or SKIP is run, a Stu Records are being skipped message will display in the top left corner above the Search Students.
Setup and Load Students ↑
The Setup and Load Students tab is used to select the options for verifying whether the students have met the Graduation Requirements required by the state and by your school. This tab includes six sections of potential Graduation Requirements parameters.
Graduation Requirements
Verifying the completed credits is required when running the Mass Update Graduation Status.
The next two checkboxes are optional. If the Include Credits Enrolled In checkbox is checked, courses in which the student is currently enrolled will be included to determine if the student has met the credits completed graduation requirements. If the Include Inactive Students checkbox is checked, inactive students will be included in the list of students to be updated.
Fill in the Graduation Date for your students, if needed. This date will be loaded into the Date Graduated (STU.DG) field when the student records are updated, so it is a required field. A warning will display if Load Students is pressed and Graduation Date is blank. The date will default to the last date in the calendar, but can be changed. If you change the Graduation Date, click Save Setup to save the change. Save Setup can be used at any time to save the selected options.
Community Service
If Community Service Hours are required for graduation, check the Verify Community Service Hours (from ACT) check box. The Community Service fields will be displayed and should be selected according to your school's requirements.
Activities (ACT) records can be limited by date, using the Optional Start date and a Optional End date fields. The date fields are optional, but if limiting by date range is needed, both fields must be filled in. If filled in, the student's activity Start Date (ACT.SD) and End Date (ACT.ED) must fall within the Optional Start and Optional End dates under Community Service, in order to count for the student's Community Service Hours.
If no dates are filled in, all selected ACT records will be assessed, regardless of date.
Fill in the total number of Hours Needed and click the checkboxes to select any Codes that should count for Community Service. Each student's hours for the Activity Codes selected will be totaled and compared to the number of Hours Needed, in order to determine if the student fulfills the Community Service requirement. If Verify Community Service Hours is checked and Load Students is pressed, but Hours Needed is blank, a warning message will pop up that Hours Needed must be populated to verify Community Service Hours.
The Codes displayed are the entire list from ACT. To only display selected Codes, check the Only show selected items checkbox.
End of Course Exams
The End of Course Exams lists all of the End of Course Exams and allows the user to define the passing score for these tests. The Passing Score should be based on the Performance Level of (TST.PL) of the exams, not from the other scores such as Raw Score or Scale Score. All exams must meet or exceed the passing score for the End of Course Exams Graduation Requirement to be met.
Other Graduation Requirements
Selecting the Verify Other Graduation Requirements will allow the user to define graduation requirements based on at least one of a few specific Activities. A 12th grade student can have any (i.e., at least one) of the selected Requirements in order to fulfill the Other Graduation Requirements.
Competancy Tests
If a student is required to take and pass a Competency Test in order to graduate, check the Verify Competency Tests check box and the Competency Test fields will display. Check the box(es) to select all Tests that should be included. Check the box(es) to select all Passing Grade codes that indicate the Competency Test was passed.
Competency Test titles can be set at the school level, on the Transcript Definition page's Optional Areas tab. Competency Test grades are recorded on a student's Demographics page on the Student Data 2 tab. Any grade recorded for a student on Student Data 2 will be displayed as a potential Passing Grade for Mass Update Graduation Status.
If the Mass Update Graduation Status process is being run at the District level, any Competency Tests that need to be validated should be defined at the District level. When the process is run at the District level for multiple schools, the Competency Tests definitions must be the same for all of the schools. If the definitions are not defined at the District level, or schools have different Competency Test definitions, the following notification will appear and Competency Tests cannot be verified at the District level:
If any Graduation Requirements are stored in another table within Aeries, click to select the Verify User-Defined Requirement check box and potential User-Defined Requirement options will be displayed. From the dropdowns, select the specific Table, Field, comparison Symbol, and Value that is required for graduation.
In the below example, the Student Data User field 10 requirement (STU.U10) of 'Y' is set. The Mass Update Graduation Status process will check to see if each 12th grader has a 'Y' in this field.
Save Setup, Load Students, and Reports
Click on the Save Setup button to save the Mass Update Graduation Status settings. The setup should be saved before loading the students. When Save Setup is clicked, the Mass Update Graduation Status parameters are saved in the OPT table by school. If the parameters are selected and saved at the district level, they will apply to all of the schools selected when the process is run from the district.
After the parameters have been saved, click the Load Students button to load the students. Once Load Students has been clicked, a Loading notification will display at the top of the Set Up tab to indicate that Aeries is processing the data.
When the Loading notification disappears, click on the Review Summary tab to see the list of students and their Graduation Status parameters. The Review Summary tab will display the parameters selected on Setup and will total for students who met (or did not meet) the requirements.
Click on the Reports button to choose from the Graduation Related Reports: Seniors Lacking Graduation Credit by Subject, Graduation Status List by Student, and Graduation Status Report by Student. These reports are only available from the school level.
Review Summary ↑
The Review Summary tab of the Mass Update Graduation Status page displays a table which summarizes the total numbers of 12th grade students who meet or do not meet the Graduation Requirements selected on the Mass Update Graduation Requirements Setup and Load Students tab. Using the data provided in the table, a Graduation Code can be assigned to each group of students.
The students are grouped according to how many options their student record fulfills and the Number of Students in each grouping is provided.
The other table headers reflects the potential options from the Setup and Load Students tab: Graduation Requirements, EOC (End of Course Exams), Other Requirements, Community Service, Competency Tests, and User Requirement. The cells reflect three potential statuses:
- If the option was not selected to be verified on the Setup and Load Students tab, the cell will be blank.
- If the option was selected on the Setup and Load Students tab for verification, but the students do not fulfill the verification requirement, the cell will display
(an empty checkbox).
- if the option was selected on the Setup and Load Students tab, and students fulfill the verification requirement, the cell will display
(a checked checkbox).
The right most column provides pull-down selections for Graduation Codes. For each group of students, an appropriate Graduation Code can be selected to assign to the students in that group.
After a Graduation Code has been assigned to a group of students, the Save Code Setup button will turn red. After all desired Graduation Codes have been selected, click the Save Code Setup button. This WILL NOT update the Student Graduation Status fields in the STU table. Save Code Setup will add the selected Graduation Code as a Query Tag Value (RTG.QT) with a Report Name Value of MassUpdateGraduationStatus to the students. See the Report Tags documentation for more information on using Report Tags.
Click on the Review Students tab to continue the process
Review Students ↑
The final step in the Mass Update Graduation Status process occurs on the Review Students tab. The Review Students tab displays a list of the students by ID and name along with their verifications. The list also displays the Graduation Status codes selected on Setup and Load Students and summarized on the Review Summary tab. The Review Students tab allows for a review of a student's individual Graduation Requirements, before the graduation status and date is written to the Demographics (STU) and Enrollment History (ENR) tables for each student.
The table originally sorts by Graduation Code, then alphabetically. The table can be re-sorted by any of the headers in the header row; for example, by Student Name.
Print Verification Report
The Verification Report lists all students with the assigned Graduation Code and Graduation Date that will be loaded into the student record.
Update STU and ENR Tables
Click the Update STU and ENR Tables button to update the Students (STU) table with the selected Graduation Code, Graduation Date, Leaver Reason, Student Leave Date, and update the Enrollment History (ENR) table.
If some students were not assigned a Graduation Code on the Review Summary tab, the following message will display. To continue, select Yes.
All students who have been assigned a Graduation Code will be updated with the Leaver Reason and the School Leave Date on the Demographics page, Student Data 1 tab.
The Graduation Code and Graduation Date are also updated on the Student Data 2 tab of their Demographics page. The assigned Graduation Code will be saved to the STU.HSG field and the Graduation Date will be loaded into the STU.DG field in the STU table.
Additionally, the Enrollment History (ENR) table will be updated. ENR.LD will be updated with the Leave Date (the Graduation Date) and ENR.ER (the Exit Reason) will be updated with code 01 Graduated From A Campus in This District Or Charter.
After the Students (STU) and Enrollment History (ENR) tables have been updated, you will receive an email: