Sample Alerts

Sending Alerts/Approval Requests

Alerts Bell

Review Alerts

Birthday Alerts

Aeries Alerts API


The Aeries Alerts system allows Aeries Users to View  Alerts and also and send Alerts and Action Alerts to Parent/Students/Teachers and other Users. The system consists of a button on certain pages for sending an Approval Request or an Alert, an Alert bell for the logged-in User, and an Alert Hub with a Review Alerts page.

Sample Alerts

Sending Alerts/Approval Requests

An example of the process can be shown with the Academic Plan page.  

A counselor would like the Parent to approve the Students Academic Plan. After the Plan is complete, the Counselor would click on the ' Send Parent Approval Request' button.

A message box displays with a default message that is customizable by typing in the text box. The last message used is saved as the default message in the Users Options. 

Clicking on 'Send Request' notifies the Parent immediately.

Alerts Bell

When the Parent/User receives a new Alert the Alerts bell shows a red circle with the number of new Alerts

Clicking on the Alerts bell shows all Alerts. If there are more than 10 alerts in the list clicking 'View All Alerts' shows more Alerts.

Clicking on the Alert takes the Parent/User to the page where a Response is required, in this case the Academic Plan page.  A box displays for the Parent/User to respond to the Alert

Comments may be added in reply to the Alert. If the choice is 'Decline and Close' a reason must be given.

 Once answered the box closes, but the Alert still shows under the Alerts bell with a tag containing the status

Review Alerts

This page is found under the Alert Hub navigation item. After a User sends an Alert it it appears in the My Action Alerts tab. 


  • Alerts - Alerts that came to the logged in User.  
  • My Action Alerts - Action Alerts (Alerts requiring a response) which were sent out from the logged-in User.
  • All Action Alerts - All Alerts for the logged-in School. Requires Admin permissions to DAA to view

Once a Parent/User has responded, the response shows to the User who sent the Alert on the Review Alerts > My Action Alerts.


Clicking on the Student name or Page name takes the user to the Student or Page.

Birthday Alerts

A 'Happy Birthday' Notification is generated when a Student logs in to the portal and it is within 7 days of the Students'  Birthday.  The Icon has animation effects, clicking on 'Happy Birthday' throws confetti and rolling over the date shows how many days until their Birthday.  The notification is viewable up to 7 days before, or 7 days after if the Student has not logged in prior to the birthdate.  The notification is removed 7 days after the Alert is viewed.

Birthday Alerts can be disabled in District Settings > Other Student Settings

Individual Students can Opt Out of receiving the Alert.  The option is stored in the PAO table as 'EnableStudentBirthdayAlert'.

Aeries Alerts API

Parent Approval requests can also be inserted via the API. See the API Documentation 


DAAAlert Information and Parent ResponseRead - View Users Alerts on the Review Alerts page
Insert - Send Alerts
Delete - Delete Users Alerts from Review Alerts page
Admin - View All Action Alerts for the School
DAMAlert Message and Sending UserN/A
DAUAlert Status by RecipientN/A