A "Nonpublic, nonsectarian school" (NPS) means a private, nonsectarian school that: 

  1. Enrolls individuals with exceptional needs pursuant to an IEP; 
  2. Employs at least one full-time teacher who holds an appropriate credential authorizing special education services; and 
  3. Is certified by the California Department of Education. 

It does not include an organization or agency that operates as a public agency or offers public services, including, but not limited to, a state or local agency, or an affiliate of a state or local agency, including a private, nonprofit corporation established or operated by a state or local agency or a public university or college. 

NPS schools do not submit data directly to CALPADS. The LEA that is responsible for the student (district of special education accountability, also referred to as the district of residence) is required to submit data to CALPADS for the Fall 1 Submission, which includes the SSID Enrollment, Student Information, and Student Program records. The LEA should not submit staff or course enrollment/completion data for NPS students. 

Settings for an NPS are located on the School Options page.

Students enrolled at the NPS school will have a Primary Enrollment STU.SP of 10 - Primary Enrollment

How will LEAs collect data on incidents from the nonpublic schools (NPS) with which they contract?

LEAs are expected to work with their NPS sites to obtain the data required for the EOY 3 submission.

May I submit attendance information for my NPS and home/hospital students even though they could be exempt?

CALPADS will expect STAS data for all students in grades K–12, including transitional kindergarten (TK), who have primary or short-term enrollments. However, students enrolled in a Non-Public School (NPS) or students receiving home or hospital instruction are exempt.  

Rather than submitting an exempt STAS record, users may report attendance information for students attending an NPS school or home/hospital program. For those choosing to submit attendance information for students in home/hospital programs, they should report attendance based on the coursework completed method.

How should a student be reported in STAS if they attended a regular program for part of the year and then transfer to an NPS school?

For attendance at the regular program at a traditional school, the LEA would report absence information for the student using a STAS record. If the student transfers to an NPS school, the LEA would de-select the NPS school and not include the attendance enrollment from the NPS school in the STAS record. Only the regular program should be submitted.

Special Education form

School of Attendance CSE.TY

  • For a student who is attending a certified NPS school, the LEA must identify the School of Attendance as “0000001,” and the LEA must indicate—in the School of Attendance NPS field—the state-assigned unique school code for the NPS that the student is attending.

Populate the NPS School Code field (CSE.SS) located on the Special Education form with the NPS school code that the student is attending.

CSE.SS - This field will only be reported to CALPADS for NPS students. If school has CDS number of “0000001” in LOC, values in CSE.SS will be pulled into the ATT and ENR tables.