
This two-hour training provides an in-depth training on procedures for using Attendance Letters in Aeries.  Based on district attendance standards, Attendance Letters can be used as a communication tool for generating letters to monitor truancy, chronic absenteeism, and attendance issues.  This session will review how to configure and generate school or district-based letters and monitor the truancy letter status of individual students. 


Needs of individual districts may vary.  For training requests, please email 


Recommended Attendees

  • School Office Attendance Staff
  • District Attendance Accounting Staff
  • Pupil Services Staff
  • Staff responsible for monitoring truancy

Expected Outcomes

Upon completing this Aeries training session, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand how Attendance Letters in Aeries can be used to monitor attendance issues
  • Recognize the different processes and options between running district level letters vs. school level letters
  • Create Attendance Letters to Parents at the school level
  • Run the Attendance Letters to Parents Report at the school level
  • Monitor Attendance Letters to Parent as the school level
  • Create Attendance Letters to Parents at the district level
  • Run the Attendance Letters to Parents Report at the district level
  • Monitor Attendance Letters to Parent as the district level


Attendance Options Chart

School Startup Task C