
This three-hour training provides an overview of the setup, navigation, and function of the Aeries Teacher Gradebook. Session will include such topics as creating Gradebooks, setting Options, Categories, managing Student Roster, adding Assignments, and entering Scores. A quick review of Gradebook Reports will also be covered. Needs of individual districts may vary. Attendees will have the opportunity to follow along with trainer and practice the steps outlined. This training is targeted for teachers or TOSAs at school sites who will be responsible for training site staff. 

Needs of additional districts may vary. For training requests, please email [email protected].


Recommended Attendees

  • Teachers
  • TOSAs
  • Site Admin/IT Staff who support teachers


Expected Outcomes

Upon completing this Aeries training session, attendees will be able to:

  • Navigate the Gradebook Dashboard
  • Create a Gradebook
  • Copy Gradebooks from previous year or from another teacher
  • Choose and select multiple Gradebook Options
  • Identify Categories for Assignments
  • Add and manage students within Gradebook
  • Create Assignments for monitoring student progress
  • Apply scores to assignments by Class, Student, Assignment or Standard
  • Run Gradebook Reports and communicate with parents using Aeries Gradebook Reports email process
  • Locate and access numerous Gradebook resources including documents and videos


Documentation Links

Gradebook Quick Start Guide

Gradebook Documentation

Aeries Gradebook Videos