A new tab has been added to the Import Data to Aeries Page to Import Students into Aeries. This feature allows users to import new students from excel or .csv files and includes functionality to auto-assign student SN and ID values. This process replaces the Client function to Import Students, which will be disabled in the future. 

There are some primary fields that should be populated, at a minimum, when students are imported. These fields are displayed in Red on the form:

  • SC - School Code
  • LN - Last Name
  • FN - First Name
  • GR - Grade Level
  • BD - Birthdate

If the import file has the field codes (i.e. LN, FN, MN, BD) in the header row, those columns will be automatically mapped to the STU table. All fields can either be matched to an existing column in the import file, or the same value entered for all students, by selecting -Custom Value- from the drop-down menu for that field and entering the value in the box provided. 


Note: This should be used to import brand new students to your district, NOT existing students into a different school. Imported Students will NOT be checked against existing students, so it may create duplicates if existing students are included in your import file. There are two reports that can be used to identify potential duplicate student records: Students with Duplicate Enrollment and Students with Duplicate ID Numbers. 

The Add Student Options are has 4 sections: 

  1. Honor Primary Fields - allows file to be processed with records skipped which don't contain data in required fields
  2. Next Grade (STU.NG) - Options on how to cet or calculate this field:
    • By GR + 1 - takes value in the Grade (GR) field and adds 1 to populate the Next Grade (NG) field.
    • By GR - sets the Next Grade field the same as the Grade field.
    • Map from file row - file that is being imported contains a column that holds the proper Next Grade value
  3. Set Student Status - can be done by two methods: 
    • Map from file row - file that is being imported contains a column that holds the proper Status value
    • Force Status for all imported students by selecting the option from the dropdown list.
  4. Student ID (STU.ID):
    • Auto Generated - Takes the Next ID value from the School Options page for the school being imported. Note: This option only works if the District Setting to force the Student ID to be assigned at the district level is OFF.
    • Starting At - This overrides the information in School Settings and allows Student ID numbers assigned to start with a certain value. There could be a potential for duplicates if this option is not selected carefully.

It also provides templates that can be used to import students. The fields included in these template have field headers that match the Student table fields, so they will be mapped automatically. 

Once the options are set, either click on Choose a file to pick the file to be imported, or drag the file and drop it in this area.

The STU table has lots of fields, so it will take a minute or two for all the fields to load, and attempt to be mapped to any matching field headers.

After the file is imported, the Imported File History tab will show the results of the import. 

Any students who do not have data in one of the primary fields will NOT be imported.

It is important to to NOT import the same file more than once, or duplicate students will be created with different Student IDs. This process is for importing students Brand New to your district, and does NOT check for existing students. 

This is an example of a student imported with the Status set as Pre-Enrolled.