
The Scheduling Master Schedule form displays information for each section in the SMS table and can be used to update the SMS table. Flex Periods and Class Calendars are available to assign to each section as created in the FTF and CCL tables. Course ID is selected from available course numbers in the CRS table and the staff member assigned is from the STF table.

NOTE:  When scheduling for the current year, editing SMS sections is not allowed for sections that also exist in MST. The Change and Delete buttons will not display. Changes must be made to the MST record and will sync down to the matching SMS record. 

The following fields will be hidden from the form when the Flex Scheduling feature is enabled.

  • Period
  • Block
  • Split Term
  • Days ( M, T, W, Th, F)
  • Teacher ( #1, #2 #3 )

Add Sections in Scheduling Master Schedule  

To add sections, click the Add button. The next available section number will be assigned but can be changed before the record is saved. It will normally default to the next highest section number. When scheduling for the current year, the options available under the Flex Period and Class Calendar dropdowns are records assigned to the current academic year.

Enter the selections for Semester, Flex Period, Class Calendar, Course, Room, Credit, Group fields, Tag, Track, Program and Maximum students, where appropriate. When complete, click Insert. The class will be added to the SMS table. 

Not having the Flex Period and Class Calendar dropdowns populated will result in the students having scheduling conflicts while running the scheduling process.

The Scheduling Exclusions (Sch Exc) field will allow the section to be excluded from the scheduler. Students will need to be hand scheduled into the section when this field is check marked. 

Note: When scheduling for next year, the Flex Period and Class Calendar dropdowns will only display records assigned to the next academic year as set up on the Flex Period and Class Calendar pages. These values can be edited after the rollover.

Note:  For Hourly Attendance Schools (Continuation, Community Day Schools, etc,) per Ed Code, a Flex Period should not exceed 60 minutes. This will ensure that teachers take hourly attendance. Multiple sections may need to be created to accommodate a class with instructional times exceeding 60 minutes.  

Add Section Staff Members in Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS)  

Section staff members will be added from the Staff (STF) table. A 'Teacher' job assignment record must also be added in order for the name to appear in the search.

To add a staff member, click the Add New record button. 

Search for the staff member by Staff ID or name. Staff members with their primary school assigned to the current school will display without the need for a 'Teacher' job assignment

In cases where the required staff member's primary school is a different school in the district, a user can search for the Staff ID by entering the number and the staff record will display. A Staff Job Assignment is not required to perform a search but may be required for State Reporting purposes.

All sections must have a primary teacher selected otherwise a warning message will display as shown below.

The following fields contained in SSM will roll into the SSE table when SMS is copied into MST.

PRIMARY SCHOOL - This field will auto populate based on the primary school assigned on the staff demographic record.

PRIMARY TEACHER - Check this box if the staff member added will be the primary teacher of record.

STAFF ROLE - Choose the correct code that describes the staff member's job role.


  • Selecting' Yes' will give the Staff member access to view and take attendance during the Start and End Dates. This will default to 'Yes' if the section staff member is marked Primary Teacher, but this can be changed as necessary. 
  • A blank value is assumed 'Yes'. 
  • A 'No' value will hide the Section/Students on the Teacher Attendance page, Classroom Attendance, Attendance by Photo and Attendance in the Teacher App, regardless of the Start and End Dates found on the MST Section Staff record.


  • Selecting Yes will give the staff member access to view and edit the gradebook. This field will automatically be switched to Yes if the section staff member is marked Primary Teacher. 
  • A blank value is assumed Yes. 
  • A No value will hide the gradebook. Start and End Dates are honored regardless if Full permission remains on the record. 


  • Selecting Yes will give the staff member access to enter grades regardless of the End Date. This will automatically be switched to Yes if the section staff member is marked Primary Teacher. 
  • A blank value is assumed Yes
  • A No value will hide the periods available in the dropdown on the Grades page. Start and End Dates are honored regardless if Full permission remains on the record. 


  • Selecting Yes will give the staff member access to search for the students. 
  • This will automatically be switched to Yes if the section staff member is marked Primary Teacher
  • A blank value is assumed Yes. Start and End Dates are honored regardless if a Yes is selected on the record 

STATE RPT - A Yes in this field will indicate the staff member for this section will be extracted in State Reporting. In order to not extract this staff and section, a No value must be used. 

STATUS - Codes can be added using the COD table to describe active and inactive status. This field is for information only and does not sync with the Staff page. 

Click on the Save icon to save the record. 

Additional staff members can be added to the section by repeating this process. Only one primary teacher per section is allowed. The staff name is a link and clicking on it will navigate the user to the Staff page.

Note:  Staff member names cannot be edited, you must delete the record and add a new staff member.

Change Sections in Scheduling Master Schedule  

To update any information about the class currently displayed, click the Change button and make any necessary changes. Click Update to complete your change.

Delete Sections in Scheduling Master Schedule  

The Delete button is used to delete unused sections from the Scheduling Master Schedule. A section to be deleted should not have any students assigned. Select the correct section to be deleted and click the Delete button. A message will display verifying the deletion of this section. Click the OK button to delete the class.

The delete process will also delete the section staff members assigned to the section. 

If students are enrolled in the section selected, the following message will display and the section will not be deleted unless the OK button is clicked. To stop the process, click the Cancel button.

Copy Sections in Scheduling Master Schedule

The Copy button on the bottom of the form is used to create a new section by copying a section already set up in the Scheduling Master Schedule. Select the section to be copied. Click the Copy button.

A message will display verifying this section will be copied into a new section. Click the OK button and the following selection box will display if students are assigned to this class. Select the appropriate option and click the OK button to continue or the Cancel button to cancel the Copy process.

All information from the section will be copied and the section number will be auto-assigned. Change any applicable information for the section and click Insert. A NEW section will now be added to the Scheduling Master Schedule. Add the Section Staff Member(s) to complete the record.