The Livingtree Campaigns page for Aeries Financials customers will empower District/School staff and Teachers to connect to their Livingtree Campaigns by District, School, Section, or Teacher. These connected campaigns will display to Parents in the Parent Portal.
Note: This article only applies to those Districts who have Livingtree (Edbacker) Financials integration enabled.
The Livingtree Campaigns page is found under Student Data > Other > Livingtree Campaigns and is accessible at the District or School level
Campaign advertisement connections are stored in a new table, CAC.
- Read - View existing Livingtree advertisement connections
- Update - Add new connections to advertisements
- Delete - Remove advertisement connections
Parent Portal Group needs Read to see the Campaign advertisement in the Portal
Teachers need Read, Update and Delete to connect a Campaign to their Class.
The School(s) must have the portal option "Show Campaign advertisements in Parent Portal" enabled. After enabling this option user must log out and log back in to have the Livingtree Campaigns page available.
The District Setting "Use Financials (Instead of Fees and Fines)" must be enabled to use this feature.
Using the Campaigns page
- Schools with MST: For schools using a master schedule each section the teacher is assigned to will be available to connect campaigns to.
- Elementary w/o MST: For schools not using a master schedule one section for teacher will be available to connect campaigns to.

Choose a Campaign and click 'Save Selected Campaigns'
The Campaigns for District or School will appear in all Parent Portals as applying to their Students with a picture of the student. Rolling over the Students' picture will show hover text "Applies to: your student". All Campaigns that apply to a Student of the Logged in Parent will be shown, no matter what school they are currently viewing, if the School has this feature enabled. In this example the Parent is viewing her Student at Golden Eagle Elementary, but the Campaigns for their Student at Screaming Eagle show up also.
A Teacher Campaign:
Parent Portal with two Screaming Eagle Campaigns and one Class Campaign, with the pictures to show who they apply to.
When there are more than 3 Campaigns, the 4th will be a link. The order of display is random and will change on every login, except that Campaigns that apply the their Students will always be first. In this example a District Campaign is last.
How the Campaigns will display:
- The first three campaigns are displayed in a large card format, with the pictures of student's associated with that parent and that campaign (by class, teacher, or section) in the bottom right corner of the card.
- The first campaigns always pertain to the selected student if any campaign pertains to the current student.
- All campaigns display in randomized order first a randomized group of ones pertaining to the current student, followed by randomized campaigns pertaining to any student associated to the parent.
- Any campaign after the 3rd will be displayed as a smaller link.
- Clicking on a campaign link or campaign card will open a new tab with the full details of the campaign on Livingtree.
- If a campaign does not have an image a generic Livingtree.png will be used with the companies logo.
- When $0 has been raised a campaign will only display the total target amount.
- On smaller screens campaign $ amounts will not display to save screen space.
- Student pictures have hover text "Applies to: [Student First Name]"
- The widget chevron can be used for parents to minimize the campaigns. This saves to Parent Account Options (PAO) so that their choice will be retained upon future logins.
The CAC table stores the information about Campaign Connections. This feature also uses the DistrictCache.
CID - The Livingtree Campaign ID
SC - The School where the Campaign is connected
TY - Type (Level) of connection: School (SC) , Section (SEC -Section for an MST school), Teacher (TCH - for Elem w/o MST)
AID - Associated ID. School, Section # or Teacher #