The UC ELC Extract can be accessed from both the District and School levels.
When logged into the District the UC ELC Extract will display a selection of schools. The schools that are listed are active schools that include grades >= 9. The Configuration Date column displays the last date and time the options were updated for the school. The Results Date column displays the last date and time the data was processed for the school. Clicking on the column headers will sort the column in either ascending, descending, or default order. The filters in the column headers can also be used to limit the list of schools that displays.
Clicking on a school will open up either the Options tab or the Results tab. The Options, Results and Files tab are the same regardless if the user is logged in at the school level or the district level.
The data on the Options page will be extracted by the program along with additional data from various tables and will be used to create the export files. It is crucial that the Recompute GPA/Ranks is processed from this page prior to processing the students for any of the extracts.
All four UC extracts are available:
- ELC - Eligibility in the Local Context is extracted every June or July for 11th grade students. The extract should not be processed until after all 11th grade grades (GRD) have been copied into transcripts (HIS). The Course Title pulls from CRS.CO
- Student Contact Data (.xls) - Student demographic data of the top 15% of 11th grade students. UCOP uses this data to generate letters to students.
- TES - Transcript Evaluation Service extracts transcripts for all students. The UCOP evaluates the transcripts and gives a preparedness (or readiness) report back to the school. According to UCOP, the TES extract has a FERPA exemption and students do NOT need to have parental consent in order to be included.
- FN - Final Data Extract extracts transcripts for all 12th grade graduates. The UCOP disseminates this information to the various UC campuses for students who will be attending those campuses.
Differences between the TES and FN extracts are:
- the TES extract includes Work in Progress, the FN extract does not
- the TES extract only includes active students, the FN extract will include inactive students
- the TES extract will include any student 9th grade and above, the FN extract is only for 12th grade students
NOTE: Clicking on a school will bring up the Options tab automatically until the data is processed. Once the process is run the Results tab will display automatically.
The Requirements tab at the bottom of the page can be expanded to list helpful links to various UC sites and reminders about the UC ELC, Student Contact Data, TES and FN extracts.
Important points to keep in mind are:
- Remember to review the current year's layouts (UC/ELC, Student Contact Data, TES and FN) and verify required data prior to creating any extracts
- The ATP or College Board Code is required for the extracts to process. It must be entered in the School Options screen. Only users with update permissions to the School Settings (LOC) security area can update the ATP or College Board Code. If the user creating the extract does not have permission to update School Options they should forward the ATP or College Board Code to an Aeries Administrator that can update this value for them prior to working on the UC ELC Extract page.
- Parental Authorization needs to be set up and entered prior to processing the data for any of the extracts. The following areas can be used to flag Parental Consent:
- Fields in the Student Data (STU) table,
- Fields in the Supplemental Data (SUP) table
- The Code (CD) field in the Authorizations (AUT) table. For proper evaluation of the Authorization (AUT) records the Code (CD) field needs to be evaluated for Parental Consent. The system will check the Status (ST) field to determine if the consent is "Granted" or "Denied" and it will also check the Status Date (SDT) and End Date (EED) to determine if the record is active when the extract is run. If the Status Date (SDT) is empty the system will use the Date (DT) and End Date (EED) fields. For more information on maintaining Authorization records please refer to the Authorizations, Prohibitions and Waivers article.
- According to the UC Transcript Evaluation Service, parent consent is not needed for the TES Extract and all students will be included in this process.
- Verify that all schools used in Course History (HIS) are set up in the Course History Institutions (CHI) page
- All options need to be set up even if some of the extracts are not run because all four extracts are processed at the same time.
- A KEEP or SKIP query can be used to limit the number of students included in the extracts. NOTE: The Recompute GPA/Ranks will still calculate the GPA's and Class Rank for all active students and will not be limited by the KEEP/SKIP. The Process UC ELC Data function, however, will honor the KEEP/SKIP.
- Recalculate the cumulative GPA's and class rank prior to processing the UC/ELC, Student Contact Data file, TES or FN