Admin user types will automatically have the UC ELC Extract node  in the navigation without any additional security setup.

All other non-Admin users will need to be given read access to the UC ELC Extract permission set in order to see the UC ELC Extract node and also to update page options, process the records and create the files. 

The Teacher, Parent and Student Portal Groups do not have access to the UC ELC Extract node even if permission is granted to it.

The ATP or College Board Code is required for the extracts to process. It must be entered in the School Options screen. Only users with update permissions to the School Settings (LOC) security area can update the ATP or College Board Code. If the user creating the extract does not have permission to update School Options they should forward the ATP or College Board Code to an Aeries Administrator that can update this value for them prior to working on the UC ELC Extract page.

NOTE: Sometimes the UC ELC, TES or FN extracts need to be run in a prior year database. Permission to the UC ELC Extract security area will need to be applied to the year that the extract is being generated from. Also, the ATP or College Board Code will need to be entered in the School Options page in the appropriate year.
Security - Prior Year Security Settings

Setting up permission is available in the Security node of the navigation. Please see the Security article for more detailed information on how to set up permissions for users and groups.