Navigate to School Info > Configurations > Configure Electronic Score Report Processing
NOTE: Aeries does not create the score reports from data that is stored in Aeries. Importing of the ELPAC/CAASPP scores in Aeries has no effect on the Electronic Score Report Processing feature. The Electronic Score Report Processing feature in Aeries will determine via API calls to ETS (TOMS) if each student's Score Report (PDF) is available in that system and notify parents accordingly, either through the scheduled process or when the process is run manually.
The Configure Electronic Score Report Processing page is only available when logged in at the district level. This page allows the district to schedule calls to the ETS server and notify parents with an email address in the Aeries system when new Final score reports are available.
Scheduled Process ↑
The Scheduled Process area is used to configure the settings for the automated notification process to run. Staff can select which day(s) of the week by selecting the day(s) under the Days to Run Process header. The selected days will display a check mark next to them.
The time that the process will run can be selected in the Time option. The dropdown can be used to select the time, or a custom time can be entered.
One or more staff email addresses can be added to the Email Address field. A comma should be used to separate multiple email addresses. These emails addresses will receive a completion status report which includes the number of new electronic tests that were found, the number of email notifications that were sent, and the number of manual follow-ups that will need to be done.
The Enable Scheduled Process / Disable Scheduled Process button is used to quickly enable or disable the scheduled notifications. A Status message to the left of the button indicates the current state of the notification system.
The Run Process Now button can be used to perform an immediate on-demand run of the Electronic Score Report Process.
By default the Electronic Score Report Process will ping the ETS server for every active student in the selected school(s) to see if there are any new Final reports every time the process is run. Depending on the number of students involved this process could run for several hours. Please plan accordingly for this.
NOTE: Ensure that all areas of the Configure Electronic Score Report Processing page are completely set up prior to enabling the scheduled process or running the process using the Run Process Now option.
Process Options ↑
The Process Options area allows the selection of schools, whether or not to include inactive students and whether to run the process for the current academic year testing administration or the prior year testing administration.
By default only the active schools are displayed in the school list. The Show active schools only box can be unchecked to temporarily display all schools. There is also a filter that can be used to filter the school list by school number, school name or Campus Category description. (Campus Category (LOC.CT) can be found on the School Options page and is intended to be used to identify a school as a certain type such as Elementary, Middle, High, etc. These codes can be added via the Update Code Table page). Clicking on the school name will highlight it in blue and indicate that it will be included in the process. The Select All Schools and Clear All buttons can be used to quickly select or clear all schools. The count of the selected schools displays at the bottom of the list.
The Run For Previous Academic Year option will run the process for the prior year testing administration. It may be beneficial to enable this option at the beginning of a new school year in the event that score reports are still becoming available for the prior year testing administration.
For the 2022-23 school year leaving this option unchecked will result in notifications being sent out for the SPRG23 testing administration, and checking this option will result in notifications being sent out for the SPRG22 (2021-21 school year) testing administration.
If the Exclude Students With Leave Date Before option is empty, then only active students will be processed. If a date is added to this option then inactive students with a Leave Date (STU.LD) >= the entered date will be included in the process and students with a Leave Date (STU.LD) < the entered date will be skipped.
The Exclude Students With Following Status Tags option is used in conjunction with the Exclude Students With Leave Date Before option. Any students with the listed status Tags (STU.TG) will be skipped during the notification processing. Commas will need to be used between the status tags if multiple values need to be entered. Examples of status tags that districts may want to skip are the No Show or Deceased status.
Messaging Content ↑
Custom district-based instructions can be created in the Custom Instructions to Parents area. This text can be seen in the Parent/Student portal on the State Test Scores Reports page.
The parents/students that log into another language supported by the Parent Portal will see the Custom Instructions to Parents in that language if the alternate translation is set up, otherwise they will see the custom instructions in the default English translation.
The district-based notification messages are set up in the Parent Notification Email area. A default English notification is created when the page is first saved. It can be edited to meet the individual district's needs.
Notifications can be set up for multiple languages. The language that the notification is sent out in depends on which email address the notification is sent to. Notifications will be sent to either the Parent Portal account email (PWA.EM), the Contact record email (CON.EM) for any Contact records where the Access to Portal (CON.AP) is 'Y', or to the STU.PEM address. If the email address of the Contact record is receiving the notification, then the Correspondence Language (CON.CL) for that contact record will be used to determine the language of the notification. If the Parent Email address (STU.PEM) is receiving the notification, then the Student's Correspondence Language (STU.CL) will be used to determine the language of the notification. If no notifications are set up in the parent's correspondence language, then a default English notification will be sent out.
Both the Custom Instructions to Parents and the Parent Notification Email use a WYSIWYG editor to create the messages. Text size, bold, italic, underline, strike through, color and background color can be easily customized using the editor. Images can be added and links can be typed in. The button can be used to clear any formatting in the text and the
button can be used to view the html.
Click on the Add tab to add a Custom Instructions to Parents or Parent Notification Email in another language.
Select the language and enter the text in that language.
Mail-merge type syntax can be used in the Parent Notification emails to insert fields from the Student Data (STU) and Electronic Score Report Log (ERL) tables. Clicking on the next to Parent Notification Email will bring up a few examples of common fields that can be used.
Below is an example of STU and ERL fields being used in the Parent Notification email:
NOTE: Remember to enter the Subject of the email in each language of the Parent Notification Email.
A non-English Parent Notification Email template can be deleted by clicking on the x on the right side of the language tab.
Save ↑
The Save button at the bottom of the screen needs to be used in order to save all options on the Configure Electronic Score Report Processing page except for the Enable Scheduled Process/Disable Scheduled Process option and the Run Process Now option. Most options are stored in the District Options (DPT) table, The Days to Run, Time and Enabled/Disabled flag are stored directly in the Aeries Reporting Scheduled Process.
NOTE: Due to the existence of student address information on the State Electronic Score Reports, the State Electronic Test Scores Reports page will not allow parents, students or teachers to access score reports if a student's "Do Not Release Records" (STU.DNR) is set to hide contact data (please see Limiting for Restricting Parent/Student Portal Accounts for more information on how to configure the STU.DNR flag). The parents with Educational Rights and email addresses within Aeries will still receive the notification emails when new score reports are available, but they will not be able to view the score reports from within the Parent Portal. Schools will need to provide an alternate view of this information for the parents and teachers.