
At the school level, navigate to School Info > Configurations > Expanded Learning Opportunities.

If Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELOs) are provided at a school, the type, minutes per day, and category is recorded on the Expanded Learning Opportunities page. This data is reported to the state for all schools with ELO records. 


Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO)Read
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Add new record
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Delete records

One record is allowed for the same ELO Type and Activity Code. If another record of the same ELO Type and Activity Code is saved, it will replace the original record:

Press the Add New Record button to add an ELO record:

Select an ELO Type and an Activity Code from the dropdowns:


If either field is left blank, the record will not be saved and a warning popup will be displayed:

Type in the number of Minutes Scheduled per Day and the Days per Year. If the entered value for Minutes Scheduled per Day is greater than 240, another warning popup will be displayed, since the maximum allowed value is 240 minutes:

Once the data has been recorded, the record can be saved:

Expanded Learning Opportunities in Years Prior to 2021-2022

The data reported to the state was modified for the 2021-2022 school year. Before that year, ELO recorded an ELO Type, Minutes Scheduled per Day and applicable categories of offerings:  Rigorous Coursework, Mentoring, Tutoring, Physical Activity, Academic Support, or Educational Enrichment.

Once saved, the record displayed as shown below: