This new full-day workshop is designed to detail the recent tools secondary schools can utilize to help students stay on track for graduation and prepare them for career and college readiness. The workshop will include an in-depth look at how to configure and implement the Aeries Individualized Academic Plan, how to use the newly enhanced Career Pathways Management page in order to identify student participation and completion of career pathways, and how to use the new Aeries College and Career Indicator tools. 

Career Pathways

Career Pathways Management Documentation (Aeries)

Career Pathways FAQs  (Aeries)

CTE Model Standards

CALPADS System Documentation

CTE CALPADS Course code Definitions by Sector and Pathways 2017-2018 Users Guide (CTE Resource)

CALPADS Reports Guide (CALPADS Resource)

California School Dashboard: New Career  Measures Collected for the College/Career Indicator (CDE Resource)

SENR Indicators for Career Measures (Aeries)

Academic Plans

Academic Plan Documentation (Aeries)

Academic Plans Videos (Aeries)

College and Career Indicator (CCI)

CCI Student Summary Documentation (Aeries)

California Dashboard - CCI Readiness (CDE Resource)