Navigate to Student Data > Demographics.
The following fields are used for Texas State Reporting:
- To see Legal Name info, click Change then Show/Hide Legal Name:
- Click Change Address to access additional fields:
Aeries Table.Fields that have an asterisk may need to be mapped on Texas State Reporting > Code Translations.
Label | Aeries Table.Field | Element ID (Code) | Data Element | Entity |
Student ID | STU.ID | E0923 | LocalStudentId | Student PriorYearLeaver |
Last Name | STU.LN | E0705 | LastSurname | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Legal Last Name | LSI.LLN | E0705 | LastSurname | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Middle Name | LSI.LMN | E0704 | MiddleName | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Legal Middle Name | STU.MN | E0704 | MiddleName | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
First Name | STU.FN | E0703 | FirstName | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Legal First Name | LSI.LFN | E0703 | FirstName | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Suffix | STU.SF | E0706 (C012) | GenerationCode | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Gender | STU.GN * | E0004 (C013) | Sex | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Legal Gender | STU.LGN | E0005 (C013) | Sex | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Grd | STU.GR | E0017 (C050) | GradeLevel | PriorYearLeaver |
E1517 (C050) | EntryGradeLevel | StudentApplication | ||
E1644 (C222) | DyslexiaRisk | StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation | ||
Birthdate | STU.BD | E0006 | BirthDate | Student PriorYearLeaver StudentApplication |
Mailing Address | STU.AD | E1114 | StreetNumberName | Student PriorYearLeaver |
E1115 | ApartmentRoomSuiteNumber | Student PriorYearLeaver | ||
Mailing - City | STU.CY | E1117 | City | Student PriorYearLeaver |
Mailing - State | STU.ST | E1118 (DC124) | StateAbbreviation | Student PriorYearLeaver |
Mailing - Zip | STU.ZC | E1119 | PostalCode | Student PriorYearLeaver |
Primary Telephone | STU.TL | E1269 | TelephoneNumber | StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation PriorYearLeaver |
Student's Email | STU.SEM | E1243 | ElectronicMailAddress | StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation |
Personal Stu Email | STU.SPE | E1243 | ElectronicMailAddress | PriorYearLeaver |
Student Census Block Group | STU.SCB | E1648 | StudentCensusBlockGroup | Student |
Attr Code | STU.IT | E1000 (C161) | StudentAttribution | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation |
ResDist | STU.ITD | E0903 | CampusIdOfResidence | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation |
Leaver Reason | STU.LVR | E1001 (C162) | ExitWithdrawType | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation PriorYearLeaver |
Schl Leave Dt | STU.LD | E3028 | ExitWithdrawDate | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation PriorYearLeaver |
Ethnicity | STU.ETH | E1064 | HispanicLatinoEthnicity | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation PriorYearLeaver |
Race - Race5 | STU.RC1 - STU.RC5 * | E3050 (C304) | Race | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation PriorYearLeaver |
Home Language | STU.CL | E3033 (C092) | Language | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation PriorYearLeaver |
E3035 (C336) | LanguageUse | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation PriorYearLeaver | ||
Student Language | STU.HL * | E3033 (C092) | Language | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation PriorYearLeaver |
E3035 (C336) | LanguageUse | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation PriorYearLeaver | ||
Also displayed on Language Assessment |
Navigate to Student Data > Demographics > Student Data 2.
The following fields are used for Texas State Reporting:
Aeries Table.Fields that have an asterisk may need to be mapped on Texas State Reporting > Code Translations.
Label | Aeries Table.Field | Element ID (Code) | Data Element | Entity |
Campus of Accountability | STU.HS | E1027 | CampusIdOfAccountability | Student & StudentSchoolAssociation |
Used if ENR.HS is not populated | ||||
Unique ID | STU.CID | E1523 | StudentUniqueId | Student |
E0001 | StudentID | Student StudentApplication PriorYearLeaver | ||
E1324 | ParentUniqueId | Parent PriorYearLeaver | ||
E3079 | StudentUId | StudentApplication PriorYearLeaver | ||
Grad Type Date | STU.DG | E0791 | DiplomaAwardDate | PriorYearLeaver StudentAcademicRecord |
Grad Type Code | STU.HSG * | E0806 (C062) | DiplomaType | StudentAcademicRecord PriorYearLeaver |
E3030 | FHSPParticipant | StudentAcademicRecord | ||
Individual Graduation Committee Review Code | STU.IGR | E1563 | IndividualGraduationCommitteeReview | StudentAcademicRecord |
Individual Graduation Committee Grad Code | STU.IGG | E1562 | IndividualGraduationCommitteeGraduateIndicator | StudentAcademicRecord |
Truant | STU.TRU | E3068 (C346) | Truancy | StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation |
E3014 | DateMet | StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation |