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Print Secondary Standards Based Grade Report Cards Report Options


  • Include Inactive Students - select this option to generate report cards for both active and inactive students
  • Include Only Standards With Marks - select this option to only include standards with a mark for the selected term. If a class does not have any standards with marks (GRS) for the selected term(s) and also does not have a grade (GRD) for the selected term(s) then that class will not print on the report card
  • Double Side Printing - select this option to print the report cards double-sided. If the students' report cards have an odd number of pages the back side of the last page will be blank, this will ensure that the next student's report card to print will always start on the front side of a page.  

Address Report Cards To

  • Parents Only - select this option to generate report cards using the Parent/Guardian Name (STU.PG) and the Mailing Address (STU.AD, STU.CY, STU.ST, STU.ZC) from the Demographics page
  • Parents and Contacts - select this option to generate one copy of the report card per student using the parents information described above, followed by a copy for each Contact record with a Mail Tag (CON.MT) using the Contact Name (CON.NM) and Contact Address (CON.AD, CON.CY, CON.ST, CON.ZC)

Print Report Cards In

If the Grade Reporting Codes and Descriptions have specific correspondence languages set up, then report cards can be selected to print for these Correspondence Languages.  Any student containing these correspondence language codes in their student record (STU.CL) will print the report card in the translated language.

  • All Languages – if codes and descriptions are set up for specific languages they will print in these languages on the report cards for only students with the same Correspondence Language (STU.CL) in their student record and ALL other students' report cards will print in English
  • English Only – will print all report cards in English regardless of a student’s correspondence language
  • Only CL Of: - will print report cards for only the students that have the correspondence language selectedPrint Secondary Standards Based Grade Report Cards Report Options - Print Report Cards In option

Report cards that are printed in Spanish (01), Vietnamese (02), Cantonese (03) or Korean (04) will also include hard-coded translations for the headings. 

NOTE:  The translations must be set up in Update Grade Reporting Codes and Descriptions otherwise the default description will print


Select Students to Print

To print a report card for specific students, select the students from the list on the right side.  If the school is multi-track an option will display to identify which track to print. Options are in this area to Show All Students which will include inactive students, Select All and Clear All. If no students are selected in the list, then the process will default to printing report cards for all active students. 

Select Marks

Select one or more marking periods to include on the report cards.

The report card will pull the data from both the Grade Reporting (GRD) and Secondary Standards Based Grades (GRS) tables. Below is an example of the report card.

Sample Secondary Standards Based Grades Report Card

Report Card History

Report Card History is a feature that allows schools to save a permanent, electronic copy of every report card a student receives.  The Report Card History will remain with the student across multiple years and schools and can be accessed by office staff, teachers, parents and students given appropriate permissions.  The Report Card History is stored in the RCH table, and this security area is found under the Other Student Data category on the Security page.

Security - Report Card History

A Generate Report Card History button has been added to the Print Secondary Standards Based Grade Report Cards Report Options form. Clicking this button will create or update Report Card History documents based on the options and students selected. This allows for a streamlined workflow of printing the report cards and then generating the Report Card History immediately afterward. When generating Report Card History, the option to print only one language is ignored as well as the contact copy, and the report card will not display the parent/guardian name and mailing address.

Print Secondary Standards Based Grade Report Cards Report Options - Generate Report Card History

Viewing a student’s Report Card History requires Read permission to Report Card History (RCH).  The page can be found under Student Data | Grades in the navigation of the Admin and Teacher Portals and under the Grades menu of the Student and Parent Portal.  The page displays a list of all of the Report Card History records that exist for the current student.

Report Card History page

There is also a Report Card History area on the Home page of the Student and Parent Portal that will display if the user has Read permission to Report Card History and the student has at least one item in Report Card History.  Only Report Card History for the current school year will display on the home page.

For more detailed information on Report Card History please see the Report Card History article.