The Load Grades From Gradebook process can be used to import course grades for traditional grading and for loading standards grades. After the gradebooks have been completed, the grade marks can be calculated from the Gradebook standards and transferred over to the student’s grades to print in the Secondary Standards Based Grade Report Card. From the navigation, click on Grades.

NOTE: An assignment must be a Summative type to be included on the Secondary Standard Based Grade Report Card. Formative assignments are not included. 

Click on the Load Grades from Gradebook option on the Grades page.

Step 1

On Step 1, there are several options available.

  • Overwrite Existing Marks? - This option will allow overwriting of existing marks
  • Period - select the period to load
  • Load Overall Grade - will load to the Grade (GRD) table using traditional grading
  • Load Grades for Standards - will load to the Secondary Standards Based Grades (GRS) table. Rubric gradebooks will use Trend Analysis to calculate the grades. For Non-Rubric gradebooks teachers will be able to select the grading method to use to calculate the grades.

To update the Standards Based Grades select the Load Grades for Standards options and click on the Next button to continue.

Step 2

A list of gradebooks will display in Step 2. Select or deselect the gradebooks to include in the Load from Gradebook process. Verify the Assignment Range values.  Click on the Next button.

Step 3

In Step 3 review and/or update the Low Rubric and High Rubric values for each Mark (when importing a Rubric gradebook), or the Low % and High % values for each mark (when importing a Non-Rubric gradebook). The Reset to Default (SBV) button can be used to reset the ranges to the district-defined default values. For Non-Rubric gradebooks teachers can choose either the Trend (Linear Regression Analysis) or Max Score grading method as the default calculation for the standard grades. 

Step 4 - Rubric Gradebook

For Rubric gradebooks Step 4 displays the students with their calculated standards grades and a listing of each assignment and assignment score that was used in the calculation. In the below example assignments 5 and 6 were used to calculate the CEL.7.RL standard grade and assignments 4 and 6 were used to calculate the CEL.7.RI standard grade. Assignments 1, 2 and 3 were not used in the calculation because they were Formative assignments. 

Click on the Import Grades button to copy the standards grades to the Grades page. The standard grades are stored in the Secondary Standards Based Grades (GRS) table.

Step 4 Non-Rubric Gradebook

For Non-Rubric gradebooks Step 4 will display the students with three scores: Min, Max and Trend for each standard linked to a gradebook assignment.  The highlighted score is the default from Step 3. The assignment score and assignment number and description are displayed below the Min, Max and Trend headings.

Teachers can select a different score for each student and standard by clicking on the Min, Max or Trend score.  For Matthew Abbot, the default Trend score is 50 for Standard 47001. The teacher can select the Min or Max by clicking on the corresponding score.  The score that the teacher clicked will be highlighted and that score will be loaded into the Grades page.

NOTE: In the Load Grades from Gradebook process, there is logic to not count Formative assignments, only Summative assignments are calculated.  The formative assignments are displayed in Step 4 but the text is italicized and there is a "(F)" at the end of the line. 

Click on the Import Grades button to copy the standards grades to the Grades page. The standard grades are stored in the Secondary Standards Based Grades (GRS) table.

In the above example, Matthew Abbott received a 50 for standard 47001 and a 100 for standard 47202. According to Step 3 of the Load From Gradebook process, these scores translate to a 1 and 4, which is what is imported into the Grade standard marks.

The Load Overall Grades needs to be run separately from the Load Grades for Standards. More information on how to Load the Overall Grade can  be found in the Gradebook Articles - Grade Reporting Load From Gradebook.