Street Table Form
The Street table form displays the street information. There are two tabs in the middle of the form with the Grade Levels and School Code fields. The Current School Year tab is for the current school year. The Next School Year tab accommodates boundary changes for the next school year and has Grade Levels and School Code fields applicable for the next school year. A search menu is available for locating streets in the Street (STR) table.
Data consistency should be maintained when populating the Street table form. Below are some guidelines to follow:
- Street Name
- Keep the abbreviations consistent. Ex: “St” for Street, “Ave” for Avenue
- Do not enter the Direction in the Street Name field. Use the Direction field.
- If the Street Name is a Direction name (North, South, East or West) spell out the word in the Street Name field.
- Number Range
- Odd/Even - Use if applicable.
- Direction - Enter N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW or SE if applicable.
- City
- Zipcode - Zip extension is not required.
- Grid Code - If populated, will update the Grid Code field on the Student Demographics form when entering or changing an address.
- Map Reference - For reference only.
The following options are available on the Street table form.
- Auto populate Next Year - When entering the Current Year Grade Level with a School Code, the Next Year Grade Level will auto populate. If this option is not selected, the Next Year Grade Level will need to be manually entered.
- Auto populate higher grades - This option will auto populate the School Code for the higher grades. For example: If a School Code is entered in the K (Kindergarten) field, it will auto populate the remaining Grade Levels. Enter the correct School Code middle school and high school.
- Show grades 13-18 - If districts are using Grade Levels 13-18, this data can be displayed.
Adding Student Addresses
Consistency should be maintained when adding or changing address on the Student Demographics form. Below are some guidelines to follow for data entry:
If the address contains an apartment or unit #, enter the “#” symbol instead of “Apt” or "Spc"
- If the address has a ½ as part of the street number, enter the address then a space then "1/2". For example: “320 1/2 Main St”
- The Residence Address does not need to be populated if it is the same as the Mailing Address.
The Street table is utilized when address records exist in the Street table and a new student is added or an address change is made. When an address has been entered, the address will be validated in the Street table. If the street is misspelled or not located in the Street table, a Street Selection box will display indicating that the address entered is incorrect. The Street Selection box will display a listing of possible addresses
In the example below, Arrowhead St was enter instead of Arrowhead Wy. Locate and click the mouse on the correct address.
Click the Okay button and the student's address record will now be updated with the correct Street information.
If the address entered is not in the enrollment area for a school, a Warning message will display. This will indicate the address entered is not in the enrollment area as specified within the Street table for the address entered.
The following list includes other possible error messages that may display when an incorrect Address is entered:
- Address Not in Street Table!
- Street Number Not in Selected Segment!
- Please Select an ODD Street Segment!
- Please Select an EVEN Street Segment!
- Street Direction Does Not Match Street Segment!No Street Selected!