Navigate to Student Data > Test Scores > State Test Scores Reports
ETS is transitioning from a paper to an electronic delivery of the CAASPP, CAST, CSA and the ELPAC Student Score Reports (SSRs) to the local education agencies (LEAs). ETS opened the Electronic Reporting production environment February 2019 and it contains three years of historical records. The LEA CAASPP and ELPAC coordinators from each district can log into the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) and generate their electronic reporting credentials. Please see the CAASPP site for more information about Student Score Report Options and Electronic Student Score Reports.
Once the Electronic Score Report credentials generated in TOMS are added into Aeries and security to the State Electronic Test Scores is set up, the Parents and Students will be able to access their student's most recent few years' CAASPP, CAST, CSA and ELPAC Student Score Reports through the Aeries Parent Portal. This information will be retrieved behind the scenes from ETS on the fly. Office staff will also be able to access and download the Student Score Reports.
When the State Electronic Test Scores is enabled and set up staff, teachers, parents and students with the correct permission set will be able to view and/or download the student score reports from ETS through Aeries from the State Electronic Test Scores Report page in either PDF format or HTML format...
or the Language Assessment page...
NOTE: Due to the existence of student address information on the State Electronic Score Reports, the State Electronic Test Scores Reports page will not allow parents, students or teachers to access score reports if a student's "Do Not Release Records" (STU.DNR) is set. The parents with Educational Rights and email addresses within Aeries will still receive the notification emails when new score reports are available, but they will not be able to view the score reports from within the Parent Portal. Schools will need to provide an alternate view of this information for the parents and teachers.
For information on how to set up the automated Electronic Score Report Processing notifications please see the State Electronic Score Report Notifications and Management article.