Generate Report Card History

View Student Report Card History

Navigate to Student Data > Grades > Report Card History

Report Card History is a feature that allows schools to save a permanent, electronic copy of every report card a student receives. The Report Card History will remain with the student across multiple years and schools and can be accessed by office staff, teachers, parents and students given appropriate permissions. The Report Cards area in the Mobile Portal App includes downloadable links to the Report Card History pdfs. 


Report Card History (RCH)ReadView Report Card History page

Report Card History (RCH)
Standards Based Grades (SBG)

Read and Update
Read and Update

Generate Report Card History

Generate Report Card History  

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Reports > Standards Based Report Cards

As the Report Card History is generated each report card document will be saved to the RCH table in English and also in the student’s Correspondence Language if different from English. An email notification will be sent when the process has completed.

A Generate Report Card History button is on the Print Standards Based Report Cards Report Options form. Clicking this button will create or update Report Card History documents based on the Report Card Type and other options and students selected. This allows for a streamlined workflow of printing the report cards and then generating the Report Card History immediately afterward. The report card will not display the optional parent/guardian name and address block. The process ignores the option to print only one language so that each student will receive an English report card and a report card in their Correspondence Language if the report cards include translations. 

Print Standards Based Report Cards - Generate Report Card History button

NOTE: Report Card History records are uniquely identified by the combination of Student ID (RCH.ID), School (RCH.SCL), Academic Year (RCH.YR), Term/Marking Period (RCH.TM), Report Card Type (RCH.TY), and Grading Period (RCH.GP). Therefore, subsequent execution of the Generate Report Card History process will overwrite existing Report Card History records where the identifying fields match. For example, a student can only have one Report Card History record for Golden Eagle Elementary School, year 2021, Trimester 2, type Standards Based Report Card. Only the most recently generated report card matching those values will be saved.

NOTE: For confidentiality purposes the Report Card History pdfs will not be formatted with the address block information for the Portrait 2-column report cards.

View Student Report Card History  

Navigate to Student Data > Grades > Report Card History

The page displays a list of all of the Report Card History records that exist for the student.

Report Card History

The following fields will display for each item in the Report Card History:

  • School – The school where the report card was generated
  • Year – The academic year when the report card was generated
  • Term – The marking period and term that was active when the report card was generated. The marking period (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th) comes from the mark that is initialized when the Report Card History is generated. For Elementary Standards Based Grades, the active marking period is stored in the Grade Reporting Options (GRO) table and is updated when the Initialize New Standards Based Grading Cycle function is run. The term (Quarter, Trimester, Semester or Term) comes from the Report Card Type set up for that grade level in the Standards Based Options - General Options tab.
  • Grade – The student’s grade level at the time the report card was generated
  • Type - Type of report - Standards Based Grade, Progress SBG,  Grade, or Secondary Standards Based Grade
  • Report Title – For Standards Based Grades, this will simply display "Standards Based Report Cards", for Standards Based Progress Report Cards the title will be "Progress Report Cards"
  • Report Card – A link to the PDF document of the report card, both in English and the student's Correspondence Language (if available/applicable)
  • Date – The date the report card was generated

The Report Cards area in the Mobile Portal App includes downloadable links to the Report Card History pdfs.

In the Mobile Portal App navigate to More > Report Cards

Mobile Portal App - Report Cards screen