When the template is complete, it can be pushed to the current set up by using the Push to SBE icon. The following will display.
The report Card Type can be entered or left blank for the default. The Overwrite existing card type option will allow a new template to overwrite an existing Standards Based Setup (SBE) report card type.
If the report card type exists in the Standards Based Setup (SBE) table and the Overwrite existing card type option is NOT selected, the following message will display:
Either the option to overwrite the existing report card type needs to be selected, or a new report Card Type and a new Title must be entered to import the template. A confirmation message will display after the import completes.
This is an example of pushing a 4th grade Progress Report card type to the Standards Based Setup (SBE) table:
NOTE: Aeries support one Progress Report Card per grade level. Do not push multiple progress reports for a single grade level to Standards Based Setup (SBE).
Report Card Type codes and descriptions are stored in the Student Report Card (STU.RC) field and can be modified on the Update Code Table page.
NOTE: A grade level must have a Default Report card (Card Type is blank and the Title is "Default") before any other Report Card Types can be saved for that grade level.