CALPADS Report | Verify with Aeries Reports/Queries |
7.1 Discipline Incidents - Count by Most Severe | Discipline Distribution Report |
7.2 Discipline Incident Student List | Run the following query to check discipline data at the district level: LIST STU IDN CSE ADS DSP STU.SC STU.NM DSP.SC ADS.IID ADS.DT ADS.CD ADS.CD? DSP.DS DSP.DD DSP.ED DSP.DY ADS.CO CSE.DI CSE.XD BY STU.SC STU.NM IF DSP.DD > 06/30/#### Use the date prior to July 1 for each calendar year. This query includes comment field. To remove, drop ADS.CO from the query. Extract to Excel to manipulate the data for totals. |
7.3 Disciplinary Actions - Count | |
7.4 Disciplinary Actions - Count by Offense | |
7.5 Discipline Offenses - Student List | |
7.6 Disciplinary Actions - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsion | |
7.7 Discipline Removals of Student with Disabilities - Count | |
7.8 Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count | |
7.12 Incident Results - Student List | Unavailable because files can't be posted successfully to CALPADS yet 4/23/20 |
7.14 Incident Offense - Student List | Unavailable because files can't be posted successfully to CALPADS yet 4/23/20 |
EOY 3 Discipline Queries and Reports Print
Modified on: Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 5:03 PM
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