After running a query statement, the LABELS button can be selected to create different types of labels, such as mailing labels, student folder labels, etc. Listed below is an example of a Query to print address labels to the parents of Gate students.

To create address labels or any label containing more than one line, the \ must be used in the query statement.  This will force the query to drop down a line when printing the labels.  

To have a text expression print, double-quotes must be placed around it. For example,  “To the Parents/Guardians of: ”

The following is the definition for the query above:

LIST  = display on the screen
STU = using the student data table
“To the Parent/Guardian of:” = creates a text statement
\   = drops down to the next line
NM   = creates students full name from the LN and FN in STU table
= drops down to the next line
AD = students address from the STU table
= drops down to the next line
CY = students city from the STU table
ST = students state from the STU table
ZC = students zip code from the STU table
IF U6 = G                                 = only select if the U6 field contains a G for GATE students 

                                                   (this field is only an example for GATE)

To create the query, click on the RUN button. The following results will display.  The text expression and the ‘\’ entered create their own field for each student record.  The ‘\’ field is read by query and forces the program to drop down a line when printing.

After the query statement has been generated, click on the LABELS button and the following selection box will display. In Aeries Web a report is generated to create the labels onto Avery 5160 labels. To properly print out the labels we suggest creating a PDF of the labels and setting the “Print Scaling” option to “None”. 


The following QUERY Labels will display. Verify the label data is correct and will fit on the label selected.  To print the labels, click on the Printer icon at the top of the screen.