What is a Table?
A table is a file that stores certain data entered into the Student Information System. The Query form below displays some of the tables that are contained within the database.
How is a Table Populated?
A table initially is empty and contains NO data. The form displayed below is the Teachers form. When you click on Add a Teacher number is assigned. After all data is entered and saved a record is created in the TCH table. As each teacher is entered a unique teacher number is assigned and a new record is created. The table will now store all new records entered.
Why is There More than One Table?
Instead of creating one large table containing all of the school's data, smaller tables are created for different types of data. In order to access and combine data within a query a field is used to create a relationship between them. For instance, the medical table contains the student number, medical code, medical details, etc. The student table also contains the student number which creates a connection between the two tables.
The MED and STU tables are displayed below with all fields and both have the SN field that links the tables.
If the same student number is in both the Student (STU) and the Medical (MED) tables, then medical data, such as the student's medical condition, can be reported for the student. Having multiple tables with a joining field helps save space and processing time due to the fact that student data, such as the student’s first name and last name, is not contained in both tables. It also eliminates entry of the same student data into all tables.