


Dashboard Items


Viewing Dashboards

Dashboard Data


The Analytics Dashboard Config page is used to set up a customized Dashboard using the Indicators that were created previously.  This page is accessible under the Aeries Analytics > Configs/Functions > Analytics Dashboard Config node in the navigation.

Menu for Analytics Dashboard Config screenshot


For the security settings, see Analytics Security article.


The Dashboard Configuration page displays all existing Dashboard Items. Before creating a new dashboard or adding a chart to an existing dashboard the chart, or Dashboard Item, needs to be set up. 

Dashboard Items

To add a new Dashboard Item click on the Dashboard Items drop down on the top left of the page. Next click on Add Dashboard Item.

Dashboard Items screenshot

The following Dashboard Item Configuration page will display.

Dashboard Item Configuration screenshot

The Dashboard Item Configuration is made up of these fields:

Type – Chart or List.

Analysis Indicator – select the indicator to be used. This list is populated from the Item Definitions that were previously created.

Name – enter a Name for the Dashboard Item.

Chart Type – Pie, Bar or Column.

Display Data As – Count or Percentage. A Pie chart type will only display data as Percentage.

Levels To Display – select which levels to display. A Pie chart type will display all levels and cannot be changed. 

Display Levels  –Separate, Combined or Stacked. A Pie chart type will only display Separate.

Display By – select to display by School, Grade, Class or SubGroup. This option is not available for Pie Charts. When Display By SubGroup is selected at least one subgroup must also be selected in the Sub Groups list at the bottom of the screen.

Schools – select which schools to include.

Grades – select which grade levels to include.

Sub Groups - select which subgroups to include. At least one subgroup must be selected when the Display By field is SubGroup.

Select a Type and Analysis Indicator. Add a Name for the new Dashboard Item.

Select a Chart Type to be displayed on the dashboard. The Type and Chart Type selections will change the options that can be set up on this page. For example, when setting up Chart Type and selecting Pie the Display Data As, Levels to Display, and Display Levels cannot be changed.

Dashboard Item Configuration Chart Type screenshot

Select the Schools and Grades to be included in the Dashboard.  If the Display By Subgroup option was selected, then at least one Sub Group will also need to be selected.  When all selections have been made click on Save .

After a Dashboard Item has been created a Copy button will become available. The Copy button can be used to copy an existing Dashboard Item into a new second Dashboard Item. Once copied the new Dashboard Item can be saved as is or modified accordingly.

Dashboard Item Configuration: Bad Attendance screenshot


After the Dashboard Items are created they can be added to new or existing Dashboards. To add or edit a dashboard click on the Dashboards tab at the top of the page. A list of the existing dashboards will display. To add a new dashboard click on Add Dashboard at the top of the list.

Dashboard screenshot

Enter a Name for the new Dashboard. To Share the Dashboard with other Security Groups click on the Shared checkbox and select which groups to share the Dashboard with. If all groups will be permitted to view this dashboard select the Security Group box at the top of the list and all groups will be selected at once.

Dashboard configuration screenshot

Under Dashboard Items select which Dashboard Items to associate with the new Dashboard. At least one dashboard Item must be associated with the dashboard. The Seq field can be used to numerically order the sequence in which the dashboard Items display on the dashboard. After selecting the items to include click on Save.

Dashboard Select Items screenshot

After a Dashboard has been created a Copy button will become available. The Copy button can be used to copy an existing Dashboard into a new second Dashboard. Once copied the new Dashboard can be saved as is or modified accordingly.

Dashboard Configuration: Attendance screenshot

Viewing Dashboards

After the Analysis Indicators have been calculated and the Dashboards have been created, they can be viewed from the Analytics Dashboard page. Click on the Analytics Dashboard node under the Aeries Analytics node in the navigation.

Analytics Dashboard menu screenshot

The following page will display. To display a dashboard click on it's name under the My Dashboards column. The selected Dashboard will display.

Full screen of a Dashboard screenshot

The Dashboard page has options to display by Chart, Students or to apply Filters.


Selecting Chart will display a Chart of the Dashboard.

Chart Pie screenshot 1

To increase the visibility of certain sections of the chart, click on the Levels nodes to turn off the unwanted areas. As shown in the screenshot below, the Lvl 5 and Lvl 4 levels have been clicked and are greyed out in the legend. The chart refreshed to only include the information from levels 1-3.

Chart Pie screenshot 2

Clicking on a specific area of the chart will provide a breakdown of information for that portion of the Dashboard Item. In the example below, clicking on the Orange portion of the Dashboard chart refreshes the screen and displays information regarding the 3.1% of the students associated with this level. This view will provide the ability to filter and view the information for a specific portion of the Dashboard.

Selecting Students will display a list of the students included in the Dashboard. This view has the option to export data to Excel by clicking on the Excel icon.

Student List screenshot

The Students option will also provide the ability to select a student and create Intervention or Supplemental Attendance records for students, or to KEEP a group of students. Once the students are kept a query can be run or their other Aeries screens can be viewed (such as Attendance or Grades).

Create Intervention from Student list screenshot

Alternatively, the Set button can be used to select a single student. This is equivalent to “Getting” the student. Once a student is Set in Aeries Analytics, the user can navigate to a different part of the system to review that student’s records. In the below example we selected Set for Edward Cortes…

Set button on Student List screenshot

and then navigated to the Attendance screen to view his attendance.

Student's Attendance page from Dashboard list hyperlink


The Item Filters option can filter each Dashboard chart information by Schools, Grades or SubGroups. The Schools portion of the Filters option gives the ability to select certain schools to display in the dashboard data. The Grades part of the Filter option will allow a user to select which grades to view on the Dashboard. The SubGroups  Filter area gives the ability to only include certain subgroups for the Dashboard. The subgroups listed will include existing indicators. The dashboard chart will adjust accordingly depending on the Filter options that are selected. The updated filter settings for each user are stored in the User Account Options (UAO) table. Filters will be remembered and displayed each time a user accesses the Analytics Dashboard area. Filters can be modified at any time.  

Item Filters screenshot with all 3 tabs

Filters can additionally be applied to all charts in a Dashboard group by using the Dashboard Filters option on the top right of the page. When users apply a filter at the Dashboard level, the filter selections will be pushed down to all of the dashboard Items.

Dashboard Filters screenshot

In the example below, a Filter was applied to only display data for Screaming Eagle High School and Grades 9-12. The data in the charts in this Dashboard were updated according to the filter and a label was added to the bottom of each chart identifying the filter. 

Filter display for Screaming Eagle  Grades 9-12

The Dashboard level filters for each user are stored in the User Account Options (UAO) table. Filters will be remembered and displayed each time a user accesses the Analytics Dashboard area. Filters can be modified at any time.

The Dashboard filters have a Search option to help search for school name, grade or subgroup name. Typing criteria in the search box will display relevant results. 

Dashboard Filters schools screenshot

The Dashboard has the following additional button options that can be found in the top right corner of the Dashboard area. LCAP Dashboards will only display the Dashboard Filters button. 

Dashboard Filters additional options screenshot

The Settings button displays the Dashboard settings including the Name of the Dashboard as well as the Security Groups and who the Dashboard is shared with. 

Dashboard settings screenshot

The Dashboard Copy button allows an existing Dashboard to be copied. It provides a Copy Dashboard option box where a new Name for the copied Dashboard can be added. It also allows setting if the Dashboard can be Shared.

Copy Dashboard screenshot

The Dashboard Delete button will delete a Dashboard. Only user accounts with appropriate security permissions to the Dashboard area will be allowed to use Delete. The below message will display before a deletion can occur. 

Delete Dashboard screenshot

The Add Items button on the Dashboard allows for the quick addition of an already existing Item to be added to the Dashboard. To select an existing item to add to the Dashboard click on the  symbol next to the Item.

Add Items button from Dashboard

The Add New Item button at the bottom of the Add Item dropdown can be used to add a new Item to the Dashboard. Clicking on Add New Item will bring up a configuration wizard. 

The configuration wizard allows you to set up what kind of new Dashboard Item to be added. Step 1 focuses on the visual aspects of the Item. 

Add Dashboard Item screenshot

Step 2 will ask for a name for the Item. If the type of Item was designated as a Chart on Step 1 it will also ask the user to select an Analysis Indicator to be associated with the Item. If on Step 1 the type of Item was designated as a List Step 2 will ask for the number of students to display.

Add Dashboard Item Enter a Name screenshot

Step 3 asks for which schools should be associated with the Item being created.

Add Dashboard Item Choose Schools screenshot

Step 4 asks for which grade levels to associate with the Item. Step 4 also displays a Preview and a Save button. The Save button will save the newly created Item. 

Add Dashboard Item Choose Grades and Preview/Save screenshot

The Preview button can be used to preview what the newly created Item will look like before saving it. Clicking on Preview will pop up a preview window. Clicking on Previous in Step 4 will take the user out of Preview mode. Clicking on Save in the Preview mode will create the new Item. Below is an example of Preview mode before save. 

Add Dashboard Item Preview screenshot

Dashboard Data

The Dashboard Items have 6 icons on the top right corner. 

Dashboard Item 6 icons screenshot

 The Edit icon brings up an Edit Dashboard Item window where the Dashboard Item can be modified. 

Edit Dashboard Item Screenshot

The Image icon allows the user to download an image of the Dashboard Item.

The Link icon will provide Public URL information.

The Info icon when clicked will display the Dashboard Item Threshold information. 

Info icon results screenshot

The Expand icon when clicked will expand that Dashboard Item into a larger display.

The X icon on the individual Dashboard Items will remove that Item from that particular dashboard. A warning message will display to confirm the decision before it is removed.